Chapter 25

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"CHELSEA.... I know you ain't just come up to my daughter party like everything was ok" I asked now getting up and putting my hands on my hips "Look Aalea I ain't come to start no trouble my brother told a friend his invited him and Imani to her daughter pool party and said I could come if I wanted to" she said trying not to give attitude "Hold up......Hold up y'all know each other" Tez said recovering from his shock and looking in between me and Chelsea "Yea ya girl and her lil skank ass friend jumped Aalea one time and use to bully her in school" Shanti spoke up "Damn Lea my bad baby girl I know look I'll keep her away from you" I rolled my eyes "Yea whatever but don't make me have to show out at my baby party gone all the way to the other side of the yard" "Lea sit down you too Shanti both y'all pregnant asses need to calm down and Chelsea just stay out the way and it won't be no trouble" Sasha said I sat my ass down I have time to be getting cussed out cuz I done put my self in the ER again for high blood pressure or something oh but wait til I have my twins I'm fucking shit up old and new. Chelsea walked away and Cortez stayed "So how the boys treating you" he asked I sighed "Even tho I'm only 7 months I can't wait to have them the mood swings the hormone morning sickness y'all can keep that shit let me tell y'all now NEVER again will I be getting pregnant" I said putting emphasis on never out of no where I hear his voice "Never say never baby girl" I look up to see Jeremiah smirking at me licking his lips I closed my legs so tight that man knows what that do to me "You need anything baby" he asked "Yea but don't judge me I want a fried pork chop and some apple sauce make sho the apple sauce on the side and cut up the pork chop so I can dip it in there please" I said smiling I knew he was gone have something to say but I got thrown off when Shan butted "Oooo bro do me one too" he looked at both of us then spoke "That's nasty as hell Lea you know I'm not bout to let you have that and Shanti I'm telling Mike you trying to eat it that's so unhealthy y'all gotta eat healthy" I started pouting I hated when he wouldn't give me what I craved "Please big daddy I'll do that thing you like so much" he sighed and kicked his foot like a lil good "Alright but this the last time (We all know he lying)......but Shanti you still gotta tell Mike I will not be responsible for the reason you sick" she huffed "Ugh alright send him over then" he nodded and walked away.

When Mike came he looked like he was bout to go off "Shanti Jer told me what you wanted man hell nah you ain't getting none yo ass betta eat carrot and be happy I done told you about all this unhealthy ass food you be trying to eat let me catch you trynna sneak some it's go be me and you" this emotionally unstable girl started to cry I felt bad "Come baby stop crying I'm sorry I ain't mean to go off baby girl but you pushing it first you sneak shit in the middle of the night then-----" "Hold up Shanti you sneaking food at night" I asked interrupting "I be craving and he won't give it to me so I wait til he sleep he caught me last night sneaking a pickle with some peanut butter" I laughed so hard I almost peed "Don't laugh sis it ain't funny the doctor said eat healthy so threw all her junk food away and bought fruits and vegetables I find out she got a stash hidden from me" that made me laugh harder after I calmed down and wiped my tears "Bruh stop being like that it's alright if she have something every now and then besides a lot of the time the baby or the mother will only keep down the food they crave just let her indulge once in a while Jeremiah lets me sometimes I have to bribe him like I just did but it's totally worth it and hey the kicker is you benefit from giving in why because she will do a lil something special just cause you let her have what she want but Shanti you gotta stop sneaking baby even tho it's funny as hell an late night cravings are normal please don't be sneaking you know this nigga watching yo every move" the both nodded "Alright Shan I guess you can have some pork chops and apple sauce but don't get use to this" he said she smiled a big smiled and jumped up kissing him "Thank you babe" he kissed her back sat her down and walked off "You know you the best right" Shanti said after he left "Yea I know trust me after living with hard ass over here and Jeremiah I had to learn a few things to get my way" she laughed "So what special thing did you do for Tez" Sasha asked raising an eyebrow Tez laughed and turned his head "Nothing like that he's like a child he likes his ears rubbed to be put to sleep so I got what I craved and he got his ears rubbed" I laughed afterwards "Awwwww" Sasha and Shanti cooed while Sash actually attempted to rub his ear he smacked her hand away and we laughed "Y'all wanna swim before our food come and it's time to cut the cake and shit" I asked the girls they both nodded we got up took off our glasses and slipped off our flip flops and ran straight for the pool "Aalea René Jordan if yo ass don't stop running" I heard Jeremiah yell I huffed but stopped none the less I ain't trying to get yelled at again but I did something I knew would get him my pregnant ass did a cannon ball while Sasha hollered it out.

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