Lily's P.O.V
What did I see in him that I didn't see a few days ago? What changed? What made me realize that I wanted this man for better or for worse? I didn't know and I didn't really care. He was amazing. Yes, I constantly found myself telling him to calm down. Yes, he snaps on everyone including me. All these things are true and yet I feel like that makes him a better person. The fact that he can admit what most men can't, makes him truly amazing.
"We are here." Caelum announced while stopping the car.
'Rick's RoadStop' hung on the outside of the brick building. A large grill with a pig on it was pictured on the sign. Several cars were parked on the outside of the building and an older couple was walking in hand-n-hand.
The parking lot consisted of cement and some pebbles. The building itself didn't look to old. The brick seemed to be getting dull, but the whole place had a familiar feel to it.
"You ready?" Caelum asked with a smile.
"Yep." He pecked my lips before getting out and taking my hand. I walked close to him, almost cuddling into his chest. He looked down at me once and smiled.
The place inside was packed, but there was a small area in the middle where people were dancing. A man and a woman who seemed to not know what they were doing. The man spun the woman and she circled around him. They finished the dance off with a dip and everyone applauded them.
Caelum and I sat and a bubbly waitress ce over.
"Hi, I'm Becca I'll be your waitress. Can I start you off with something to drink?"
"Sweet tea please." Caelum ordered.
"I'll have a sweet tea too."
"I'll be back in a jiffy." The waitress hurried off and I giggled to myself.
"What?" Caelum asked in a playful tone.
"Everyone and everything around here seems to friendly."
"Yeah, it gets annoying sometimes. Having everyone in your business."
"I know, but... I love the atmosphere. In New York you'll be lucky to get a hello, from your waitress."
Caelum laugh and I couldn't help but laugh too. He grabbed my hand and kissed me gently across the table. I smiled and Caelum didn't stop. He began running his leg up and down mine. It felt so good I almost didn't tell him to stop.
"Caelum." I scolded. "We're in a public place."
"Come dance with me."
"I can't dance Cae."
"C'mon, neither can half the people here."
Caelum grabbed my hand and pulled me into the certain of the floor. The music started and Caelum began swirling and twisting me around. People started clapping and I couldn't help but laugh.
We danced for several more minutes before Caelum dipped me like the other couple and ended it.
The night went by quickly as we ate and laughed and talked.
"I'm so full, I felt like I just ate a horse." It was past midnight and me and Caelum were just getting home. I was tired and felt slightly bloated.
"I know, I think we should call it a night."
"I'm all for that." I agreed and started upstairs. Caelum followed and grabbed my hand before I could reached my room.
"Sleep with me tonight."
"Sleep with you?"
"Not like that, I'm to tired. Just fall asleep in my bed, with me."
"Are we that close?"
"Yeah, I like you and you like me. Let's do it."
I nodded, to tired to argue with Caelum's persistent attitude, and followed him to his room. I went to the bathroom and removed all my clothing. I slipped into one of Caelum's huge shirts and wore nothing but underwear. Super risky.
I walked out of the bathroom and plopped down on the bed. Caelum wasn't far behind and wrapped his arms around me.
"Goodnight." He whispered gently into my ear.
"Goodnight." I yawned.
Caelum laughed and turned off the lights. He kissed my neck and jaw before finding a comfortable place to lay his head.

RomanceLily never wanted to go to her best friend's family reunion. She never wanted to stay with the hot-tempered, Caelum McGriffin. And she never wanted to fall in love with him. [this story is still under major editing so beware when reading.]