Chapter 7

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It was almost closing time at the library and I was still waiting for Lucas to show up. I checked my phone: ten minutes left. I tapped my hand on the desk in anticipation. I was actually excited this time for him to come. It wasn't more special than the other times, I just thought that this was going to be different. My phone lost 10% from checking it so much. 

4 minutes until closing... 

I sighed and started to shut down the computers and turn off the lights. I grabbed my backpack from the storage area and headed out the doors. I heard my phone go off and I realized I forgot it at the desk. I jogged over and checked the notification. A missed call. I didn't recognize the number so I just disregarded it. I locked the doors and made my way home. I put my earbuds in and blasted my music. I couldn't hear the sirens behind me. 

Little did I know that those sirens were the ambulances arriving for Mr. Grey. 


I arrived at an empty house, no surprise there. Mrs. Rose wasn't feeling well so I wasn't able to get my paycheck so all I had to eat was week old cereal. It actually wasn't that bad. 

I took a quick shower and started my homework. I wanted to have the weekend for myself so I decided to finish my homework tonight so I can chill all weekend. My phone rang again, the same number as earlier. I hesitated, maybe it was something important. No, there's nothing important that required someone to call me from a random number. I barely had any friends and I already had Aaron's number. 

I finished my homework and saw that I had a voicemail from the random caller. I sighed and picked up the phone. I immediately dropped it and ran out the door, grabbing my jacket and the keys to my dad's truck. 


I ran into the ICU looking for the service desk. I finally found it and almost ran into it. 

"Can I help you?" The lady was pretty calm, she has obviously encountered people like me every day.   

"I got a call earlier that..." I hesitated but she knew who I was talking about.

"Yes, you must be Erin. Your uncle is two doors from your right." She pointed in the direction. I thanked her and sprinted down the hallway and burst through the door. There he was, hooked up to machines, breathing slowly. My heart sank. I walked over to his side and sat down. He told the paramedics that I was his niece so no one would become suspicious. 

I held his hand and waited for him to wake up. The doctors said it could be hours and suggested that I should get some rest. I nodded and they gave me a pillow and blanket. I thanked them and closed the doors. I stayed up for a little while longer until I fell asleep in the chair. They always had comfortable chairs so that it would be easy for family (and students?) to sleep in them. 

The next morning I woke up and checked the clock: 8:45 am. I looked over at Lucas who was still asleep. I smiled, he was so handsome, even when he was hooked up to machines. Not too much later a doctor came in and checked his stats. 

"He's doing great. He should wake up soon, no need to be alarmed if it takes a while." The doctor smiled and I returned it. 

"Thank you so much." I was so thankful they were able to save him. They told me that he suffered from severe injuries, fractured ribs, lung damage, burns, and the list went on. I've never been able to wrap my head around how people are able to recover from such trauma, but Lucas will. 

At least that's what I've been told...

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