Chapter 22

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***MR. GREY'S POV***

I could hear the people behind us talking about Danni, my only hope was that she didn't. I would have said something but I already embarrassed her enough going through security, I didn't want her to go through that again. Her scars had faded but they were still there, I felt bad that she still had to deal with them. I would do anything to make sure that she was okay, even if it met that I would have to sacrifice something.

My book was pretty boring but I decided to stick with it. I didn't want to have to buy a new book from a bookstore then risk it not being enjoyable and then waste $15. I even fell asleep reading my current book. When I woke up my neck started to hurt, I knew I should have brought my neck pillow but I thought it would have been a waste of space or that I would have lost it.

I looked to my side expecting to see Danni asleep or reading but she wasn't there. I looked around and didn't see her. She must have gotten something to eat, it had been a few hours since we had lunch and my stomach started to growl. I texted Danni asking where she was to see if she could possibly get me something. When she didn't respond I decided to call her but no answer. She's responsible and smart so I wasn't too worried.

In the meantime, I had to get something to eat. I walked towards one of the bookstores but saw the huge line. When I looked more closely I saw some fool paying with quarters. No way was I gonna wait for 20 minutes for a bag of chips. I kept walking, passing multiple fast food restaurants but none of them seemed appealing. Finally I saw a sign for a Starbucks down the hall and my pace quickened without me even realizing. The line wasn't too long so I rushed in before anyone could go in front.

I tried calling Danni but it kept going to voicemail. It was almost my turn so I didn't have time to text her what she wanted. I decided to get her a caramel latte and one for myself. I remember from when I drove her home from school once, the weather was horrible and we were both freezing so we decided to treat ourselves to a Starbucks. Danni wouldn't stop talking about how much she loved the caramel lattes so everytime we get coffee I always order her one.

When I was walking to the waiting area from the register, I saw a little kid running away from his mom right outside the store. She was carrying a huge suitcase and several bags. I ran to intersect his path and when I reached out to catch him I dropped my phone. I could hear it hit hard on the ground but I need to make sure the mom didn't think I was stealing her kid.

"Woah, slow down there buddy" My voice went higher than I ever thought it could. He started laughing when I put him down and his mom finally caught up.

"Oh my gosh, thank you so much." Her breathing was heavy, "I thought that I was gonna lose him there for a second."

"Yeah don't worry about it." I smiled and patted the boy's head. "You could be an Olympic runner, ya know that?" The kid giggled then went back to his mom. She finally caught her breath and struggled to get the hair out of her face with all the bags in her arms.

"Mommy can we get Starbucks?" The kid was tugging on his mom's arms and she dropped her bags.

"Here let me get that." I picked up the heavy bags, my muscles flexing. I noticed the mom's expression change for a split second then she looked at the ground.

"Oh my gosh, you dropped your phone." She bent down and picked up my severely cracked phone.

"Don't worry about it." I tried taking it from her hand but the bags were weighing my arms down. I went to go put one down but she stopped me.

"Here, I'll put it in your pocket." She smiled and put her hand in my left pocket and dropped my phone in but her hand stayed put. I back away and fake smiled.

"Thanks..." I didn't know what was worse, the fact that I was stuck here with a broken phone with a woman-who I don't even know her name-that just put her hand in my pocket or that it actually sparked something...

"Where is your gate?" I tried changing the subject. She pointed to the sign and I followed her there without another word. Her kid kept eyeing me with his thumb in his mouth. When we got to their spot I set her bags down and she winked at me.

"How can I repay you for all that you've done for me?" She smirked and licked her lips.

"No need." I said politely and took a step back. I couldn't get an image of Danni out of my head. Sure this woman was attractive and more age appropriate, but she wasn't Danni.

"Alright well you know where to find me." The woman slowly turned around and went back to her kid. I got out of there as quick as I could, remembering that I still had my Starbucks drink waiting for me.

As I was walking back to the Starbucks, I looked more closely at my phone. The whole screen was cracked and it wouldn't turn on. It wasn't a huge deal, it's not like anyone was trying to reach me anyways.

My coffee was still warm when I got back and so was Danni's. I couldn't help but take a sip of her drink while I was walking back to our spot. No wonder she never stops talking about this drink, it's incredible. I might have to order it more often. I awkwardly checked my watch with the drinks in my hand and saw that we only had about 15 more minutes until boarding. My pace quickened slightly and I made it back to our spot in no time.

I saw Danni talking to the lady at the desk and wondered what she might be saying. Her arms were waving around like crazy so I put the drinks down and hurried over, approaching her from behind.

"Is everything okay?" I asked. She must have not known I was there, she jumped at the sound of my voice and then let out a deep breath.

"Oh my god." She smiled and hugged me tighter than ever.

"What is it? Is everything okay?" I hugged her back with enough strength to make her feel safe. She always loves when I do that.

"I've been looking all over for you and you wouldn't return my calls or texts and I just got so worried I thought something must have happened." Danni's voice started trembling and I could tell she was about to cry. I broke apart the hug and saw her hot red face and watery eyes. The sight made my stomach turn, I would never do anything to make Danni feel the way that she is now.

"Hey," I put my hand on Danni's shoulder. She looked down but I moved my hand under her chin and lifted it so it was even with mine, "I'm not going anywhere." I pause and look into her eyes with a small smile, "I will never leave you, okay? I just went to Starbucks, I got you your favorite." Danni sniffles but she nodded and cracked a smile.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have overreacted." I gave her one final hug and we made our way back to our seats. I put my arm around Danni as we sat down and glanced at my watch.

"Five minutes until boarding." I say softly. I looked over at Danni and it seemed as though she had cooled down.

"So how come you didn't answer my calls?" Danni turned her head to face me.

"I dropped it and it smashed." I took it out of my pocket with my free hand and showed her.

"Oh my gosh." She took it in her hands and examined it. "We can get it fixed after our flight." She looked at me and I smiled.

"Oh and what took you so long? Weren't you just getting Starbucks?" Danni asked in between sips of her drink. I had already forgotten about the whole "other woman" thing...

"That's a story for later." I squeezed my arm around Danni and we waited to board our flight.

Mr. GreyWhere stories live. Discover now