Chapter 12

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^^^Pic of Lucas for reference:) (might change it later idk)


I was so furious, I couldn't contain myself. The second I left the main office I went straight to the bathroom. I didn't give a fuck if I didn't show up for 5th-period. I needed to get this frustration out somehow. I quickly went into a stall and opened the front pocket of my backpack. I took out the plastic bag that held my razor blades. I took one of them out and pressed it on my forearm. I didn't move it, I just kept it there. There wasn't enough pressure to break the skin. I hesitated, was I really going to mess up my 3-month streak of being clean just because Lucas requested that I change classes? I haven't even talked to him yet about it. I took a deep breath and put the blade back in the bag.

I wasn't sure if I should go to Lucas after school or if I should wait to see if he shows up at the library. It was Thursday so I still had another day to meet with him if he never comes. I decided to just wait it out and play it by year. If he shows up, great. We'll talk at the library and discuss what's going to happen. If he doesn't show up, fine. I'll go to his room tomorrow morning.

I was constantly checking the clock at the library. Thankfully a mom was asking me a lot of questions about upcoming events so that kept me distracted.

I almost didn't notice Lucas standing at the counter.

"Hey," His tone was almost sympathetic.

"Hi." I wanted to see how he would react if I acted like I was offended and hurt. Which wasn't false but he knew that I would never let that show.

"I guess we need to talk, huh." Lucas rubbed the back of his neck and sat down at the counter behind the desk. I found it funny that he could just come in and act like he worked here, I kinda liked it...

"What is there to talk about?" I heard myself say that out loud, "You requested that I drop your class. That's it." Good God, why was I saying this.

"Listen," He paused, "I just feel it would be best for the both of us." He stood up and came a few feet closer to me. "You know how I feel about you." I did. I knew he loved me, he wouldn't admit it, but I knew. "I can never think straight when I'm with you." He sighed, "It's not fair to the other students that I'm not teaching them to the best of my ability." I knew what he meant. He would always trail off during class and his lessons were getting shorter and shorter.

"I understand, really." I was back to my normal self, he could tell. "I completely agreed." He relaxed as if a huge weight was just lifted off his shoulders.

"Well don't seem so happy that you got rid of me." I joked and we both laughed. It was crazy how I felt so safe and comfortable with him. I could literally tell him anything. Anything.

"I almost cut myself earlier today." I heard myself say. His expression immediately changed. Maybe I can't tell him everything? I saw his eyes quickly search my forearms. "Don't worry. I didn't." I could tell that wasn't enough for him to believe, "It's been over 3 months." His expression lifted slightly and I could barely breathe. Instead of telling me how I need to see a therapist or shame me for the decisions I've made, Lucas took a step closer and wrapped his arms around me. I could feel the tears streaming down my face as our grip tightens.

We stayed like that for what seemed like an eternity. I never wanted it to end. I had never had this kind of affection in such a long time, if ever.

"Let's get you home, ok?" He said gently as we parted. I nodded slightly and he helped me close the library. It was half an hour earlier than closing time but I didn't care. I just wanted to be alone with him. I didn't want to go home. I didn't care if my dad wasn't there, I just didn't want to be in that house. Lucas read my mind and drove right past it, taking the same route we did when we were going to his house.


"Anything planned for the weekend?" Lucas asked as he handed me a mug of hot chocolate. I gladly accepted it and took small sips.

"Work, sleep," I paused, "Eat." I tried my best not to hide the hesitation. I have the money to buy groceries I just don't feel like going out and getting them. I stopped driving my dad's truck when I heard that a girl at school had gotten pulled over for driving only three miles above the speed limit. I couldn't risk it. Not when I was this close to getting a real license. Just five more months until I turn 18...

"What about you?" I asked him. He rubbed the back of his neck. I loved how he did that when he was thinking of the right thing to say.

"Basically the same. I've been falling behind on grading tests." He pointed to the stack of papers on the kitchen table.

"I'll help." What has gotten into me? "You and I both know that I know the material better than anyone else. I can help grade the tests." I bit my lip. Lucas just shrugged and eventually, he nodded his head.

"I don't see why not." We both smiled at each other and I finished my hot chocolate.

"You can be my little assistant." He winked at me and my heart dropped to the floor.

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