Chap.13: Weird Ass Dream....

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***Yuu's sleepwear^***

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***Yuu's sleepwear^***

Yuu's POV:
Right after I'm done taking a bath, I was strolling down the hallway feeling a bit shitty and y'all all know WHY.

"Ugh stupid perv, what the hell was he saying? I'm his prey Tch yeah right, fuck that asshole."

I tsked annoyingly, but I couldn't ignore my past for some reason. Why was it brought up? Why did it came back to me? Shiiiittt....

Speaking of which, something tells me that Bear looks familiar...I can't put my finger on it, but....he looks exactly like-

I was about to contemplate the whole past thing until I heard that GODDAMN SCREAM AGAIN UGHHHHH!!!! FOR FUCKS SAKES YUI!! WHY MUST YOU RUINED THE MOOD?!

I groaned so annoyingly and I strolled down through the hallway to see that GODDAMN RAPIST VAMPIRE HENTAI sucking my sister AGAIN.

"You gotta be kidding me! I just got out from the bathroom and now I have to deal with this shit again?!"

I shouted in obvious annoyance and face palming at the awkward situation.

"~fufu~ There's no need to be jealous Yuu kun. Besides....."

Hentai Baka then walked up to me with a perverted smirk and whispered into my ear.

"...I know how much you want me Yuu kun, and I can prove by- ACK!"


I cut him off as I kicked him in the crouch, hentai Baka fell to the ground in pain and I walked away from him and Yui not completely care about Yui's reaction.

Once I got back to my room, I flopped to my bed and sighed exhaustedly.

"Damn this is such a pain, ugh I'm gonna hit the hay for a while."

I then yawn and lay my head down to my bed where I fell asleep peacefully. Later while sleeping, I felt something weird when I can feel a puff of air running through my skin. I slowly got up looking very confused.

"Huh?...what the-"

I slowly got up with a puzzled look where I find myself outside for some reason.

"How the hell did I-"

Suddenly I heard child like innocent laughter where I widen my eyes when I recognized those three little boys from anywhere. One of them has red hair and green eyes who is smiling happily along with the fiend two boys. One has purple hair and eyes, and the other looks kinda like the redhead, but his hair is much of a brownish red color.

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