18: Latex and Text Messages

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I was right. Monica basically jumped me when I walked through the front door. I'm sure Harry must have heard me shriek.

Another thing for the list of humiliating moments with my new friend Harry.

New friend... sounds weird.

Monica couldn't be any more excited about the prospect, I couldn't be more skeptical.

Thankfully she's not letting me think about all that as she bounces around like a child in her seat as I tell her the whole painfully humiliating saga of Harry and I.

Monica is so giddy I'm surprised she letting me get through the whole story.

She's nearly bursting at the seams with excited energy eagerly awaiting for me to get to the end so she can make her comments.

And heaven help me when she does.

I might have to start making things up to prolong her response. After spending the day with Harry, I have already had my fair share of surprises and I'm completely exhausted.

Unfortunately for me, I can't think of any plausible lies.

"And that brings me here," I say slowly, bracing myself, "with you."


It's unnerving. Monica, the girl who always has something to say is just sitting there with a huge grin on her face.

Does she know something I don't?

I sit there and start to pull at my fingertips waiting her reaction. Or maybe I should escape and go to bed before she says anything.


"He wants to fuck you."

"What!?" I scream at her, furiously shaking my head at her. "No he doesn't."

She can't be serious.

"I'm sorry Mia but wasn't that Harry Edward Styles who just ran up our front path before you could even get your door open to ask for your number so you could hang out again?"

I exhale all the breath within me knowing she's right.

After the whole friendship bombshell we said our goodbyes and I made my way to the front door, he tried to walk me right up to the door but I refused. It felt like too much for a date movie and seeing as I wouldn't be seeing him anytime soon I didn't want that.

Then he showed up next to me a little breathless and asked for my phone number.

I gave it to him but I'm not silly enough to form any expectations that he'll use it, even after his little friend speech.

There is just no way he wants to hang out with me let alone do what Monica thinks.

"He did but that doesn't mean anything." I huff, trying to keep my hopes down in the depths of my gut. "I'm just another number of a long list on his phone. I'm probably in there as 'Mia #3' or something."

Suddenly there is a pinching sensation on my upper arm, Monica looking frustrated but triumphant having slapped me.


"Mia give yourself a bit more credit." She starts, her giddiness multiplying with her every hopeful word. "He picked you up at the cafe. He got you on the back of his bike. He invited you to stay over at his house. And he tracked you down this morning, having not even slept with him might I add, to buy you breakfast before whisking you away on a romantic day of activities."

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