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I stared at the text that I had just opened. I had to reread it a few times to make sure I was seeing correctly.

"Oh.My.God." I was really shocked.

"What?" Bahj looked over my shoulder.

"Roc just really confessed his true feelings." I handed her the phone.

Look Hazel I know it seems like I didn't care about you or our relationship but I did. The saying "you never know what you have until its gone" is real asf. I never knew I had the best girlfriend ever. I know I messed up and I apologize for ever hurting you. I hurt myself in the end because I love you more than everything in this world. There is nothing or no one that can replace you, you're the light to my dark, my heat when its cold. I'd fight my grandad for you lol I'd pull the stars from the sky if thats what you want. I know were young and might not be together forever but i'm not ready to let go right now. I love you so much it hurts if i'm not with you I feel sick you complete me. Please dont give up on us I gave you your space, these 5 weeks have been the worst weeks ever please baby I love you.

"Awe this is so beautiful." Bahja handed me the phone back. "I never knew Roc had this side to him."

"I knew, but he tries so hard to play cool."

"So what you gone do?"

I shrugged. "I love him."

We sat in silence for a minute.

"Can I tell you something?" Bahja spoke up.

"Sure, you know you can."

"I've been thinking..." She hesitated. "I might be bi..."

I nearly choked. "Excuse me? Where is that coming from?"

"Its just I've been hanging with India lately and she shows me a really good time and I can't seem to get it right with boys and I see how Ray and Chres treat you and Niq and I'm so jealous."

"I just think you haven't found the right one."

"I guess." She pouted.

"Just be patient and don't rush into anything."



My bad its been a minute since I updated but class got me scressing lol but this is just a short update an the story will be put on hold..

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