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  "And what happened after that?" Dashawn asked as he & Hazel laid in the back of his Ford F150 truck, looking up at the stars.

It was the first week of April and the night was pretty warm with a sly breeze.

"I started to go off on him but I stopped myself. It wasn't worth it" She explain what happened on her web interview earlier this morning.

Hazel had been hanging out with Dashawn lately and she was beginning to like him and the bond they were growing.

 She adored her relationship with Roc but she felt as if she was only holding on because she was so used to him being there. They weren't together but they were still something.

"Well it's good that you know how to control yourself." He grabbed her hand sitting up. "I want some dell taco, wanna go?"

 She nodded climbing out of the trunk and into the passengers seat.

At the taco joint, Kayla was sitting in the corner of Dell Taco when she saw Hazel and Dashawn walk in.

  She watched as Hazel took a seat in a booth and Dashawn went to order.

She decided to approach him once he was seated next to Hazel.

  "Day Day?"

He looked up. "Oh Kayla. Hey!" He smiled at him.

 Hazel sat feeling awkward, she wasn't into hating or arguing with the girl but she wasn't into being friends with her either.

 "How are you doing?" She asked.

Dashawn felt bad because he knew the situation that occured between the two.

"I'm good." He tried to make it short.

  She nodded, walking away but turn around looking at Hazel. "Oh yeah Hazel?"

Hazel looked up and as soon as she did Kayla made a connect with her face.

 Dashawn stood up, standing in between the girls he spoke. "Come on Kayla, we're too grown for this. What was the point of all of that?"

 By that time the manager had come to see what was going on.

"Is there an issue?" He asked.

  "No sir, we were just leaving." He grabbed Hazel's hand leading her out of the restaurant.

As they were getting in the car Kayla reappeared.

  "Yes?" Dashawn remained calm.

"Why somebody always gotta speak for you? You was talking on twitter...speak up now Hazel." Kayla yelled.

  Hazel simply ignored her, getting into the car.

"What is all of this for?"

  "I hate her!"

"Just go home. It's not even worth it."

 He got in the car. As soon as they drove off Hazel began to cry. Dashawn pulled the car over, rubbing her back.

  "I'm so tired of this." She finally spoke. "I'm tired of girls fighting me over Chresantos like I shouldn't have to fight for what's mine. I'm so tired of this like I'm really done, I've made my decision. I'm ready to move on and I'm tired of trying to keep someone who ain't tryna be kept."

He nodded in understandment taking her home in silence.


Roc was sitting in his room with Tre & Zay playing 2k15 when he felt his phone vibrate.

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