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Hazel had fallen asleep crying in Roc arms.

  It felt so good to be holding her, he never wanted to let go.

He knew she was hurting but he couldn't help but continue with the pettiness.

  "Niq take a picture." Roc handed her his phone.

"I don't think that's a good idea."  

   "Come on please."

She silently agreed. "Awe it's so cute."  She handed him the phone, he looked at the picture smiling. 

  In the picture Hazel was sleep with her head on his chest, one of his arms around her stomach and his cheek rested on her head pretending to be sleep.

He uploading the picture tagging Kayla in it with the caption: at the end of through day this is where I chose to be. remember through it all I'm a be here and nobody can truly break our bond. I love her.

  He knew he was being childish but he wanted to let her and everyone know they was in it forever.

The next morning Hazel & Roc boarded the plane to New York.

  After they were comfortably seated Hazel spoke.

"Thanks for being here with me."

   "Lovely,  I love you." He called her by her real name to prove that it was real.

"Chres I love you too but I'm not tryna be all of that again. I just need a friend."

  He nodded grabbing her hand. "I'm a be all that and more."

When the five hour flight was over the exited the plane, heading to baggage claim and before she could retrieve her bags she saw her mother all misty eyed.

She ran to hugging her. "Ma, I love you!"

"I love you too. What is he doing here?"

   "We're not together,  he's just being a good friend."

Her mother a little disappointed and not a big fan of him disagreed but accepted him.


Later that night they all sat around Blaque having dinner.

   "I just want to apologize to not only Hazel but to you Ms. Mitchell as well. I understand seeing your child hurt makes you hurt as well and I'm fully aware and responsible for my mistakes and I was caught in the moment. I realize most of them girls only want one thing from me but Hazel was down for me."

Ms. Mitchell nodded she knew he was a good guy and she knew his heart, she was not fond of what he had did but she'd approve if her daughter decided to give it another try.


Days passed and the family was in Somalia for the service.

"You sure you okay?" Roc grabbed her hand as it was time to view the body.

She nodded taking a step towards the casket. Taking a deep breath she leaned over the casket.

  "Dad I don't want this to be goodbye..this shouldn't have to be goodbye. I wish I wouldn't have been so stubborn I guess I just figured I had more time but look now I'll never get the chance to embrace you or hear you sing in Arabic again. I can't help but be mad at myself because you tried to make it right but I was so-" She began to choke on tears. "I was still so mad and for what? We could've worked through it Dad. I know we could've.  I'm sorry and I forgive you and I hope you can forgive me cause when it's my turn I want a spot right next to you in heaven. You're my angel now daddy and I love you. I never stopped I just was just hurt and upset. Rest well my baby and I'll remember all the good times." She rubbed his hands walking away.

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