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It was friday night and instead of being in the studio like majority of his weekend nights, Roc sat in his room looking through his twitter mentions. Things had been hectic since the release of his video:  warning.

His social media followers dropped & rose on a daily.

One tweet got his attention, it was a screen shot from someone's notes in their phone.

@MarissaYevette: you probably won't see but it's worth a shot.

     I'm not trying to belittle anyone,  "slay" or "shade" anyone but how can y'all really call y'all selves fans when all y'all do is belittle the boys? Y'all suppose to support them no matter what. Their only real responsibility is music they chose to make social media's to let us in their lives. I love to see the pics that Roc post of him and Hazel. I now understand why Ray and Star kept themselves on a low for a while. Y'all should be ashamed of y'all selves.  do y'all not realize that your lives revolve around these boys?  if they quit what would y'all do? i'on care who "comes" for me. I support the boys I'M A REAL FAN.  I care about their happiness screw whoever thinks I'm fake for this.

Roc smiled, grateful for a loyal fan.  He followed & tweeted her back

@Royal3r:  @MarissaYevette haha good lookin' out Ma. you real.

Just then Hazel walked in, grabbing his MacBook closing it. "I know you aren't still reading these comments."

  "Actually I was and this one was nice." He grabbed the laptop, opening it back up.

After showing her a few more,  he closed it and rested his head on Hazel's lap. She began rubbing his curls.

  "I made the deans list" He said with his eyes closed.

"That's good, I'm proud of you baby." She placed small pecks on his forehead.

Hazel laid in bed, with Roc across her lap listening to his light snores until his phone started ringing.

"Bae, your phone ringing. " He shook him. "Roc." She attempted to wake him up.

It stopped ringing then buzzed with a text.

"Roc yo phone was ringing."

  "Okay." He mumbled, turning around. "Who was it?"

She picked the phone up.


   Zay: Fool wya

   Missed call:  Dembo(2)

   Missed call: Tre

   Desiree: I know it's been a while...

   Missed call: Aaron.


   Amber: Wassup lil nigga

   Tiara: I miss you.

   Missed call: Kayla

   Kayla : Bae come back over...

   Missed call: (310) 974-6693

   (310)974-6693: I thought you was..

"A three one oh number." She threw it down with an attitude,  standing up.

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