Poem #6

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"One hot tear
Two hot tears
Oh dear
One cut
Three cuts
Am I a slut?
One ounce
four once
Let me bounce..
I scream
But no one hears
Someone peers
Through the door
But I disappear
and they're gone
One dot
Ten dots
They cloud my vision
I have completed my mission."



And there you have it folks. If anyone even reads these things than this will fill you in. I'm going on an updating spree right now cause I got my phone taken away so I'm bored and my computer shall be my source of entertainment. Oh, my phones gone till Monday for anyone whos wondering. I'm a bad girl y'all shame on me. Therefore I cannot put emojis after my words, sad I know. Alrighty well Ima go update more. Bye :)

Love, your very own broken girl *Inserts purple heart*

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