Poem #101

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"This is not a poem
This is a letter to whoever is keeping me alive
Please stop
I can't take it anymore
I've lived my life and I think I'm finally ready
Ready for you to cut the string
Ready to escape this world
I'm finally ready to let go of everyone
The question is, can you help me do it?
I'm tired of faking a smile that once was real
I'm tired of hiding my body that I was once proud of
I'm tired of listening to the same sad songs over and over with tears in my eyes that once glowed with hope
And I'm done
I'm done trying to eat
I'm done trying to get better
I'm done pretending I matter to people
And lastly, I give up.
I give up with life
So please give me this one thing
I've never asked you for much except this
l e t
i t
E n d
Yours truly, the girl you once called happy."
Well that explains it
-Your very own broken girl💜

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