Poem #154

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"And if I could keep your laugh
In a video
I'd watch it when ever I feel as blue as the ocean
Or even when I'm happier than the flowers when the bees come to visit
Because even if it's only for a split second
I get to hear what it's like for you to be uncontrollably happy
And I love the sound of it slipping off your lips
And if I could capture how your smile
I'd stare at the photo each day and point out something new each day that I love about you
Because when you smile everything wrong in the world feelings right
And I know that even if it's only for a few seconds, my heart doesn't feel broken anymore
If I could time travel
Each day I'd tell you how much I love you
Even on your bad days
Or how much I want you
Like you could never imagine
And I'd stand on my tippy toes just to look into your brown eyes and feel the warmth of them
And maybe , just maybe
I'd have the courage to kiss your lips and feel the taste of you on them for the rest of the day
All because heard your laugh
And saw your smile
All because I love you."

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