Poem #71

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"When you first saw me
What did you see?
Did you watch me from afar?
Loving how I walked with grace
And how I laughed without care
Could you see past my wall?
Or did I blind you with my fake smile and glowing eyes?
Don't feel ashamed, everyone falls for my lies
It's easier than digging for the truth
So please just stay away
Cause behind my smile is a million unsaid words
And the sparkle in my eyes is all the tears I'm holding back
My beautiful laugh is just a sad cry
And when I don't look you in the eye,don't take it personal
I just don't want to break you with the anger hiding behind them
Don't hold me and tell me it'll be okay
That just makes my wounds open up again
Don't tell me that you love me
That just makes my heart sad
At the end of the day
If you were to know everything I've done
All the lies I've told and people I've hurt
You'd throw the pieces of my broken heart away and give up on me
And I'll cry and try to look for those missing pieces
But I won't find them
And then I'll know I've finally lost myself for good
Did you imagine me like that when I let the word "hi" slip off my lips?"
-Your very own broken girl💜

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