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All angels are born with white bright wings and remarkable powers that are always used for the greater good of mankind. They are guardians of all humans, good or bad. Because that's how much God loves his creations.

But once in a while, a group of angels defy the rule of heaven and are sent to earth to live among humans. Sometimes, they repent and ask forgiveness for their defiance. If they are found worthy enough, they are given back a place to heaven.

But most of the time, they continue their wicked ways giving Satan, the leader of all evil, more power than ever. They very first angel sent down to hell is Lucifer, God's favorite angel. And since then, many who have fall to the dark path followed his example and joined the world below.

All angels receive proper training while growing up; they are just like any family but composed of the most pure hearts that you will ever find.

"Sooyoung, use your heart when you use your powers." The instructor shows her how it's done. "You have been training for the longest time, if you don't succeed in controlling your powers you wouldn't get the chance to be given bigger missions."

Sooyoung bites her lip, feeling guilty for her weakness. "Understood. I'll try again."

Training didn't go so well that day and as a result, Sooyoung is given the task to clean up their mess. She uses this time to practice by herself.

"Okay Sooyoung... Use your heart..." The girl takes a deep breath and successfully tries to produce a white ball of flame. "I did it!" A nearby pot of flower grows more beautiful, feeling the happiness of an angel.

Sooyoung has always been good at combat training. And as a celebration for her success, she practices with the sword hanging by the wall of their training room. When training, her concentration has always been off the charts. No one can break her focus.

Out of Sooyoung's vision, another creature with a red rather than white color in her wings and a sacred dagger on her hands tries to attack the girl.

"How did you enter this place?" Sooyoung enters into another fighting stance. "How did you get that dagger?"

The woman gives her an evil grin. "Wouldn't you like to know..." she raises her hand holding the knife. "I shall end your life with this angel killer before you could do anything that'll ruin our plans."

The devil woman attacks Sooyoung with the "angel killer" but the latter easily dodges it and spears her with the angelic sword she's holding. The red – winged woman falls to the ground and smoke begins to come out of her body, her devilish appearance melting and her red wings slowly turns into white one. Sooyoung screams in shock waking everyone up in that place.

"Sooyoung, what have you done?" one of the angels ask her.

Sooyoung looks at her family. "I don't know what happened but she was a devil earlier! Please believe me! I wouldn't do anything to hurt anyone!"

The following days have been hard for the girl. Sooyoung is locked up in a cell as the elders try to figure out what to do to her. Her final judgement finally comes and Sooyoung is brought forth to let her explain herself.

"What do you have to say for yourself?" Angel Gabriel asks her.

Sooyoung takes a deep breath. "I will not change my statement Angel Gabriel. A follower of Satan attacked me with thee angel killer, how she got in here, or got hold of the weapon, I have no idea. But when I defended myself, her appearance changed to the angel I was caught with."

The elder angels furrow their brows as they struggle to figure out if the girl is really telling the truth. "Did she say anything?"

"She said she has to end my life before I could do anything to ruin their pans." Sooyoung's face got confused.

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