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Gladiolus - A flower that symbolizes perseverance. It also convey the meaning "Your strength can pierce through anybody's hearts.

It's been months since Sooyoung came back to heaven and she's back to her old routine, training 24/7. No elder angel came to talk to her when she returned and it confused her even more. She thought she could go back to her old life 200 years ago, but she is proven wrong when everyone is beaten by the angel. Back then, she was the one training harder than everybody else because she's weak but now, her experience in the human world made her strength incomparable to any angel. The elders gave her a separate training room because no one is a match for her anymore, just like her wings, she's the strongest of them all.

Her wings... it still has that pink-colored feather, the same as Sungjae's. and it reminded Sooyoung of that time Asmodeus and Lilith. She will not let darkness creep inside her heart again, it made her weak. That's why even though she's the strongest out of all the angels, she's still the one that trains the hardest.
"I think that's enough for today Sooyoung." Angel Jaemin arrives at her training room. "You'll tire yourself out."
Sooyoung pauses from hitting the punching bag and faces the angel with a worried look on her face. "Are you gonna tell me why I'm really brought back here?"
"You better get some rest." Jaemin tries to change the topic, looking apologetic.
Sooyoung smiles. "Thank you for your concern Jaemin." She bites her lip. "I mean no offense but if you're not the one whose gonna tell me truth then I'd like some privacy please."

Jaemin nods and leaves Sooyoung alone. The angel tries to return to her training but with one strike, the punching bag explodes into tiny bits of nothingness. Sooyoung sighs deeply and grabs her sweater. She steps outside and goes to her new favorite place, the fountain. She found out about it in her vision in the club and it's more beautiful in person. The water coming out from it is shining like the stars in the night sky and the sound calms the storm inside her heart. Sooyoung spreads her wings and looks at her reflection in the water.
"I already have my wings back but why do I fell that something is still missing?" Sooyoung looks at her reflection, the water ripples turning her face to someone that's causing confusion in her heart. "Sungjae..." a tear suddenly escapes from the corner of her left eye. "Why is my heart hurting so much because of you?"

Because her body felt tired, Sooyoung falls asleep right away as soon as she got back her room. She knows immediately that she's dreaming because the boy in front of her with the same surprised expression as she is wearing, is someone who is not allowed in heaven.
"Sungjae..." Sooyoung manages to choke out. "You're here."
Sungjae's shock turns to genuine happiness when he sees her running to him. "Sooyoung-ah..." a small body slams into him. He chuckles when he feels how tight she is hugging him. "Did you miss me that much?"
Sooyoung loosens her hold, laughing as well. "A bit."
"I could tell." Sungjae says with a teasing look on his face and then it slowly turns serious. He caresses her cheeks gently. "I miss you so much Sooyoung-ah."
Sooyoung looks deeply into his eyes and notices something different. "Sungjae... your eyes... they're gold."

Before Sungjae could react, they're surroundings change turning to where the fountain is. They sit by the edge as he scans the place.
"This place is beautiful." Sungjae says in awe.
Sooyoung nods in agreement. "It is. It's my favorite place."
Sungjae looks at the girl and takes her hand. "Sooyoung-ah, when are you coming back?"
"I don't know." Sooyoung lowers her head. "No one is really talking to me as to why I was brought back here."
Sungjae chuckles. "I got scolded today by Changsub and Wendy."
"Really? Why?" Sooyoung lifts her head and meets his eyes.
"Because I've been an unbearable idiot." Sungjae shrugs. "For weeks now, ever since you left, I've been moping around the flower shop, pestering Wendy and asking for news about you." He suddenly laughs. "It's funny because it wasn't Wendy who got fed up with me, it was Changsub."
Sooyoung joins in on the laughter. "And what possibly could you have done to piss Changsub off?"
"He got fed up when he saw how miserable I got." Sungjae suddenly cups her cheeks. "But I'm thankful that he knocked some sense into me. Without his nagging, I never would've realized something so important."
"What is that?" Sooyoung looks straight into his eyes, looking confused.
Sungjae smiles and slowly leans to kiss her lips. "Come back to me and I'll tell you."
"You know I can't just leave this place." Longing tears begin to roll down Sooyoung's eyes. "You have no idea how much I want to go back to you guys. But I can't, not until I find out why they brought me back."
Sungjae lets his hand fall on his lap and smiles understandingly. "I know but do it like you have always been doing, by giving it your best shot. I know you Sooyoung, when you're determined to do something you strive hard... so why are giving yourself half-assed excuses this time. Don't worry about us, we're safe. And just like I promised, no matter how long it takes, I'll wait for you."
"Alright..." Sooyoung wraps her arms around his neck. "I don't want to wake up."

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