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Mint – The plant that symbolizes Suspicion

It’s been 200 years since she stayed with Sooyoung. Wendy made it her life’s mission to keep the angel safe. As time pass by, she began to treat her just like a sister, she’s not that hard to love anyways. But the minute they met that demon Sungjae, it became hard to protect her.
“He didn’t hurt you did he?” Wendy asks when they get back their safe house.
Sooyoung shakes her head. “No. he was nice and gentle. He just took me out for coffee, that’s all.”
“Good. I still don’t trust him.” Wendy crosses her arms.
“He’s different. Have you seen his wings? They have a different color compared to others.” Sooyoung points out.
Wendy’s face contorts in disgust. “I didn’t have the chance last time because I was busy worrying about you.”
“Oh, c’mon.” Sooyoung wraps her arms around the human’s waist. “Can’t you just give him a chance?”
Wendy sighs, kissing the angel’s cheek. “You’re too nice Sooyoung-ah.” She flicks her forehead. “You’re lucky that I love you.”
“I love you too.” Sooyoung giggles.
“Will you be okay alone at the shop tomorrow?” Wendy asks. “I have something to take care of.”
Sooyoung nods. “I’ll be fine. Just text or call if you need anything.”

The next morning, Wendy meets up with a close friend who’s been following them unbeknownst to Sooyoung for a couple of decades now; another condemned angel named Chanyeol who is working as a private investigator.
“Hey Chanyeol, did you find anything?” Wendy asks as soon as the tall man sits across her.
A deep-voiced laughter comes out of him. “It’s nice to see you too Wendy.”
“I’m sorry.” Wendy blushes. “I’m a little nervous, I guess.”
“You know, for someone who has lived for more than 200 years, you sure are in a hurry.” Chanyeol comments.
Wendy rolls her eyes. “Such disrespect for someone who’s a lot older than you.” She grins. “Anyway, did you find anything?”
“There’s nothing much on Sungjae, especially if I don’t have a last name.” Chanyeol takes out a thin envelope. “There’s nothing on him, not much to find. His face doesn’t even show up on any database, just like yours don’t. He knows how to hide his existence.”
Wendy looks troubled. “My angel’s in danger.” She bites her lip. “I need to know who Sungjae really is.”
“I thought I was your angel but okay.” Chanyeol tries to lighten up the mood and works seeing the girl smile shyly. “I did find a ton of information about the Devil Man.” He takes out a new envelope, a lot thicker than the previous one. “He’s a hired assassin that’s been around for about 200 years now.”
“Why is he called as Devil Man anyways?”
Chanyeol hesitates. “Can you handle gory pictures?” the girl nods. “He shows the pictures of the devil’s victims. “He’s called as such because he always leaves a devil mark on his victim’s skin and a reddish pink feather next to it.”
Wendy takes a closer look at the picture. “Did the forensic team analyze the feather?”
“Yeah but nothing popped up just as I expected. Although, there’s something peculiar about the feather.” Chanyeol looks confused.
This doesn’t go unnoticed by Wendy. “Peculiar how?”
“I can’t put my finger on it.” Chanyeol shrugs. “Humans assumed that the killer for hire is just being passed down from generation to generation but if the Devil Man is what I think he is then it won’t stop.”
“You might be right about that Chanyeol.”
“Do you know anything?”
Wendy shrugs. “I can’t involve you in this. It’s too dangerous. You’re already been a big help by getting this.”
Chanyeol takes the girl’s hand. “You know I love you Wendy. Why is that hard for you to understand? I don’t care if you’re a human or I’m a condemned angel. This is not some past time.”
“I care for you too Chanyeol.” Wendy blushes at the boy’s words and warm hands.
“You know someday I’ll get you to say ‘I love you’ too.” Chanyeol says with conviction.

Wendy comes back to the flower shop just as Sooyoung is just about to finish cleaning up the place. There’s not much to clean anyways since almost all of their flowers are sold out. The angel greets her friend with still the most beautiful smile the human has ever seen.
“Welcome back.” Sooyoung greets. “Did you finish your errand?”
Wendy nods. “I have something to tell you. But can we go home first? I don’t want anyone to hear us.”
“Sure.” Sooyoung offers her hand which the human gladly accepts. The angel closes her eyes and teleports the two of them back home. “Why don’t you get some rest first, we’ll talk later.”
Wendy shakes her head. “This is important. You need to know this.”
“What’s wrong?” Sooyoung pulls her friend to sit on the sofa.
Wendy bites her lip before speaking. “It’s about Sungjae.” She pauses. “I’m sorry for doing this but I had him investigated.” The angel’s about to protest but she stops her. “I know it’s a lame move but I’m worried about you. I have to do something. I am your protector after all.”
“O-kay? What did you find?” Sooyoung asks reluctantly.
“Do you remember what Sungjae said? The Devil Man always gets his kill?” the angel nods. “Well, from what you’ve expect there’s nothing much on his name but Devil Man has quite the reputation.”
Sooyoung’s brows furrow. “Reputation?”
Wendy nods. “Turns out he is an infamous hired assassin that’s been wanted for 200 years.” She pauses again. “That’s why he was able to find us at the club. He’s been hired to kill the both of us.”
“But he didn’t Wendy.” Sooyoung argues. “Have you forgotten? He even asked for our help because he doesn’t want to help Satan look for me.”
“What if that’s his plan?” Wendy argues right back. “What if he means to gain your trust and kill us when we turn our backs? You can never trust the devil Sooyoung. Why are you turning a blind eye in this issue?”
Sooyoung shakes her head. “I’m not. I’m just believing what I see.” She smiles at her. “And I’m seeing that Sungjae’s different.”
Wendy crosses her arms. “And what if you’re wrong?”
“Then we’ll just kill him.” Sooyoung shrugs. “That’s how we managed to survive for 200 years.”
Wendy grabs both of the angel’s hands. “Don’t be so trusting, Sooyoung. I know it’s in your nature to always see the good in everyone but that trait of yours can get you killed.”
“I really don’t have to worry about it too much since I have you as my protector.” Sooyoung tries to lift her spirits up.
It works seeing how Wendy breaks out a smile. “You sure love giving me a hard time.”

Back in heaven, the angels has been keeping an eye on Sooyoung and Wendy; feeling proud of her achievement, amazed of her growth and afraid of her future.
“Everything has been going according to the prophecy.” Angel Jeno says.
Angel Jaemin exhales heavily. “Ever since they were born, everything has been set into motion.” He looks troubled. “We couldn’t keep our promise to everyone despite the lives that were sacrificed for this.”
“What are we gonna do now?” Jeno asks. “Will we really just leave them alone? They might get killed once Satan finds out where she is.”
“I know that.” Jaemin’s expression becomes pained. “But we can’t interfere right now. It’s not time to tell them yet.”
Jeno gazes at Sooyoung’s face. “They really have been the strongest out of all of us. They still are.”
Jaemin, in turn, gazes at Sungjae’s. “It won’t be long now. And when the time comes, they have to be ready."


Chapter kkeut... Enjoy ✌️🏻✌️🏻✌️🏻✌️🏻

Twitter: cheerfultopaz

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