Orange Lily

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Orange Lilies - Nothing says "hatred" like the bright fiery orange of the lilies. It's the equivalent of telling someone "I hope you get mauled by a tiger."

To say the date was perfect would be an understatement, it is so memorable that Sooyoung can still feel Sungjae's lips on her own, her neck, and her chest. She remembers how good it felt to be touched by him, by his strong hands. The way Sungjae would caress her skin as if she's made of glass, his touches still burns into her skin.

"You're thinking of Sungjae, aren't you?" Wendy asks as she puts down another flower pot.

Sooyoung blushes behind the flower that she's holding. "Is it really that obvious?"

Wendy shrugs. "You're obviously swooning. Did something happen on your date?"

"Do you really want to know?" Sooyoung teases her best friend.

Wendy holds up her hand. "You know what, I don't have to know disgustingly romantic and sweet you two were."

The doorbell rings. "Hi girls." Sungjae comes strutting through the front entrance.

"Speaking of the devil..." Wendy suddenly laughs at her statement. "Well, what do you know? I never thought the day where I get to use that literally would come."

Sooyoung giggles along. "You're a tosser." She then turns to the devil in front of her and blushes. "Hi Sungjae."

"Hello My Angel." Sungjae caresses the angel's cheeks and puts a lock of her hair behind her ear.

This has been their routine for days, as promised, Sungjae continues to watch over the angel. In the mornings, he would sniff the place for anything devious. But he knows that he's using it as an excuse to see Sooyoung as much as he could without looking like an obsessed son-of-a-bitch.

"So, what are you doing here in the afternoon?" Wendy asks.

Sungjae shrugs. "Actually, I'm here to ask Sooyoung for forgiveness." His face suddenly contorts with pain and guilt.

"Forgiveness?" Sooyoung suddenly takes his hands. "Sungjae, what's wrong?"

"I-" Sungjae struggles to find the words. "I got a job to do tonight."

Sooyoung's face remains blank. "By job, you mean..." the devil nods. "I'm not sure if I'm any place to be asked of forgiveness."

"Just promise me, you won't hate me." Sungjae approaches the angel and holds both of her hands.

Sooyoung frees one of her hands and pulls the demon by the neck to make their foreheads touch. "You are who you are. I'm not gonna hate you for being yourself."

"Thank you." Sungjae closes her eyes.

Wendy leaves the two to give them privacy. She couldn't even begin to imagine the internal conflict that's going on inside Sooyoung right now. It must be hard for her not doing anything to stop Sungjae. But she's right. He is who he is and nobody can change that. When Wendy goes back inside, the demon is already gone and Sooyoung is alone by the counter.

"Hey." Wendy wraps one of his arms around the angel's shoulder. "Everything's gonna be okay."
Sooyoung smiles weakly. "I know."

The bell suddenly rings again and a couple enters the store. Something very lustful and sinister fills the air. Sooyoung has never felt something like this and didn't know what to make of it.

"W-welcome." Sooyoung stutters. "What can I do for you?"

The man suddenly smirks. "Lilith, do it."

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