Bittersweet Nightshade

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Bittersweet Nightshade Flower - finding out the Truth

Wendy senses that the angel has already teleported back home and wonders why Sooyoung didn't go through the front door. She makes her way to her room.

"Sooyoung, you're there, right?" Wendy knocks.

Sniffling can be heard from Sooyoung's room. "Yeah. I just went straight here."

"Are you okay?" Wendy asks, even though she already knows the answer.

"I'm fine. I'm just tired. I'll talk to you in the morning, okay?" Sooyoung's voice sounded hoarse and forced.

Luckily the angel, Wendy doesn't push any further. "Alright. Get some rest then."

Sooyoung heads straight to their breakfast bar, dark bags under her beautiful golden eyes. She looks so tired but despite of it all, she still looks so heavenly. She suddenly presses the button meant for calling angels and two heavenly creatures immediately show up.

"Why have you called for us?" Jaemin smiles at the tired-looking angel.

Sooyoung takes out three glasses of milk. "Sit down. I need your help again."

The two angels take a seat as instructed. "Is this about the prophecy?" Jeno asks.

"No." Sooyoung shakes her head. "This is something personal and very important."

Jaemin hears the sincerity in her words. "What can we do for you?"

"Well...." Sooyoung bites her lips. "You know that Wendy has been given eternal life to be my company. I am grateful for all the things that she has done and sacrificed for me. But I think it's time to give her a normal life, don't you think?"

"What brought all this on?" Jeno tries to fill his curiosity.

Sooyoung smiles softly. I can never deny a human, or anyone for that matter, the right to live their lives that they want to; to love the one that they want to."

"So, is that why you want to make her normal again?" Jaemin kindly assumes. "Is it because she fell in love?"

"Do the person she fell in love with loves her back?" Jeno clarifies.

Sooyoung nods with a lovely smile on her face. "Yes." He does. They've been suffering with me for decades. I want them to have the life they deserve."

"Decades?!" Both the angels chorus,

Sooyoung giggles. "The person that Wendy fell in love with, is a condemned angel like me."

"And so now you want us to turn this condemned angel into a human too?" Jeno guesses.

"Yes please?" Sooyoung pleads.

Jaemin's face suddenly breaks out into that signature ethereal smile that all angels seem to have. "Leave it to us Sooyoung." He pauses. "You're really one of a kind. I guess that's why you're the chosen one." He eyes the kitchen. "Can we eat first? We're still hungry since it's so early."

Sooyoung laughs. "Sure, I'll whip up something for all of us."

Wendy suddenly makes her way downstairs. "Oh, why are you both here? Is something wrong?"

"They're here to have some breakfast." Sooyoung puts on a teasing smile on her angelic face. "And to help you and Chanyeol."

The four head to the flower shop after breakfast and meets up with Chanyeol. With four angels inside, everything looks brighter and Wendy can feel the goodness around the whole shop. Even the plants can feel the angels' presence and are blooming beautifully.

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