Stargazer Lilies

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Stargazer Lilies - "I Miss You"

It's been days since the incident, Sooyoung was still shaken up about the incident but recovers right away and returns to her old, innocent and bright self. Sungjae and Wendy is glad to see her happy again.

"I can't believe I'm saying this but I really enjoy watching you girls work." Sungjae says as he eats his lunch.

Wendy rolls her eyes. "Oh admit it. Admit that you're amazed by our angelic powers."

"I have amazing powers too." Sungjae stretches his hand. "Do you want me to show you?"

Wendy's eyes widen. "Oh no, try burning anything here and I'll cut your freaking head off."

Sooyoung suddenly laughs, sounding like bells tinkling. "You guy are still the same, bickering like kids on a playground. You two are so adorable."

Sungjae visits the angel safe house again, not wanting to be separated from Sooyoung just yet. They decide to watch a movie while Wendy retires for the night also letting the two have some time alone.

"How are you feeling?" Sungjae asks as they sit on the pull-out couch and he hugs her from behind.

Sooyoung sits in front of the boy, in between his legs. "I'm okay now. You don't have to worry about me."

"I'm always worried about you." Sungjae shrugs. He sighs deeply with content; pulling the angel closer to him, his head on her shoulder. "Have you ever felt so comfortable around someone that you feel so at ease with yourself? Like you can act however you want because you know that she accepts you no matter how goofy, stupid, or cheesy you are?"

Sooyoung giggles and turns her head so she could kiss him right on the lips. "I haven't know that either... until now. But sometimes, I do wonder what you see in me, why do you treat me differently compared to others of your kind?"

"I don't know that either." Sungjae thinks about it. "I've always been different compared to other devils."

"Sungjae? Can you stay until I fall asleep?" Sooyoung looks straight into his blood-red eyes."

With those golden orbs looking at him, Sungjae smiles and kisses her forehead. "How can I say no to you?"

Sooyoung moves to his side and they both lay down on the pillows that they initially prepared. Sungjae puts one of his arms under the angel's head while his other hand holds hers on his stomach. He kisses her hair as they put their attention back to the forgotten movie. Sooyoung falls asleep first, feeling his warmth. And before he knew it, Sungjae slowly closes her eyes and ends up falling asleep with her in his arms.

Sungjae slowly opens his eyes and sees that he's not in his room. Shock flies across his face when he remembers where he is. He fell asleep at Sooyoung's place and had a very good night sleep. It has been an extremely long time since he got one of those. Looking at the empty space next to him, he looks for Sooyoung. When the angel sees him, she finds him so cute; with his messy hair and woke up like this look on his face.

"Good Morning." Sooyoung smiles at him and it's a good morning indeed for him, seeing her in an apron, cooking breakfast and looking so domestic.

Sungjae ignores the image on his head of Sooyoung having a normal life with him by her side. He approaches and places a wet kiss on her mouth. "Fuck, you're beautiful."

"Thanks." Sooyoung lowers her head to hide the blush on her face. "There's a bathroom at the hallway. Wash up your face, there's also an extra toothbrush there."

"Do I need one?" Sungjae asks.

Sooyoung decides to tease him. "Yeah, you do." He laughs.

Sungjae shakes his head and follows Sooyoung's advice. Wendy enters the kitchen and sees three plates on the table.

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