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The petunia flower symbolizes anger and resentment especially when they are presented by someone with whom you have recently had a heated disagreement. They can also symbolize your desire to spend time with someone because you find their company soothing and peaceful.

Sungjae and Changsub finds the room that they've been asked to visit and see two familiar looking girls. They don't look surprised at all. In fact they look intimidating and ready. This'll be fun.

"You must be Joy and Wendy?" Sungjae smirks, looking forward for his kill.

If Sooyoung is surprised to see the two men, she hides it very well. "You're the ones who bought flowers yesterday."

"It's such a shame that I have to kill you." Sungjae secretly produces an invisible blade on his back. "You seem like really good people."

Sooyoung smirks "Let's see you try."

Sungjae throws the invisible blade to which Sooyoung easily catches and throws it back at him, scratching his face and gets stuck on the wall. The challenge only made Sungjae enjoy the assignment more.

"From the looks of it, you're not a normal human being. Are you a condemned angel?" Sungjae asks while slowly building up a black ball of lightning on his hand.

"What's it to you?" Sooyoung smiles unfazed by the devil. "Plus, I wouldn't that if I were you." She looks at his feet.

Sungjae glances to where the angel is looking and sees a puddle of water surrounding only him, one wrong move and he would be electrocuted. "You're a very interesting and seductive creature Joy. I must say I'm enjoying this game." He says while removing the ball of lightning.

Sooyoung suddenly wraps a thick vine around the devil. "Is it my turn now?" she tightens the vines around him. "Who are you?"

"No need for torture." Sungjae says easily as if unaffected by the vine. "I'll answer your question." The vines lights up on fire, immediately turning it to ash. "The name's Sungjae."

"You're different than the others who tried to kill me." Sooyoung takes out her silver sword. "But you're going to die nonetheless."

Sungjae too, takes out a black sword. "The devilman always gets his kill."

Neither one is breaking their focus, the only thing you can hear is their heavy breathing and sounds of their metal swords fighting against each other. The angel and devil are evenly matched and no one is backing down. Sooyoung manages to pierce Sungjae's stomach but she gets a big slash on her back from the latter. The different of the color of their blood proves their identities: Sooyoung's is gold while Sungjae's is black.

Neither Wendy nor Changsub can do anything to protect their friends because they know they would only be a distraction. Both Sungjae and Sooyoung's arms are wounded badly that they can hardly move. They retract their swords at the same time and takes out their unique weapons: their lassos.

"You're the only one who took out that kind of weapon out of all the demons I faced." Sooyoung points out as she tries to catch her breathe.

Sungjae whips his lasso towards the angel but she easily dodges it with her own. "That's because I'm the only demon who has one."

They both whip out their lassos and catches the other at the middle. They pull the other, Sooyoung jumps over Sungjae and wraps her rope around his neck. She twirls it twice and walks in front of the demon. She trips his feet causing him to fall on his back with the angel on top of him.

"Why are you all demons trying to kill me?!" Sooyoung tightens the lasso on his neck.

With her face focused on his, Sungjae produces a black ball of flame. "Sooyoung! Watch out!" Wendy shouts.

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