Forget - Me - Not

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"Forget-me-not symbolizes true and undying love. A connection that lasts through time. Reminders of your favorite memories or time together with another person."

Sungjae knows the feeling of losing someone you love all too well. When he lost Sooyoung, right before he turned into a demon, he knew how painful it was. But the pain that he's feeling now is different. Losing Changsub felt like he lost his whole family. He was the one who has been with him through thick and thin, the one who never gave up on him no matter what, and now because of his own weakness and selfishness, he lost the only family he ever had.

"Sungjae..." Sooyoung has dried up tears on her eyes too. "I am so sorry."

Sungjae sniffs. "I have no one left. It's all my fault."

Sooyoung wraps her arm around the boy. "You still have me. You will always have me."

Sungjae embraces the girl tight in his arm, they both know well that they have to make a decision or else more lives will be lost.

"Sooyoung..." Sungjae clenches his eyes tight. "I..."

Sooyoung smiles sadly. "Shhh..." she puts a finger on his lips. "I know..."

"I love you." Sungjae cups her face and kiss her long and hard.

Sooyoung kisses him right back. "I love you too."

Sungjae and Sooyoung teleport to the gates of hell, and as expected many demons are waiting for them. Every punch and every kick that lands on each other, the other would make sure that they're fine. Not long after, white and black balls of fire are flying across the air.

"Sungjae!" Sooyoung shouts as she sees the boy get hit, but this distraction ends up getting her stabbed in the stomach.

Sungjae appears by her side, his forehead bleeding. "You get away from her." He swings his sword and cuts the girl's attacker in half. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Sooyoung pants. "We can do this. Just a few more."

Sungjae and Sooyoung bring out a couple of fireballs at once and hit every single demon surrounding them. When nothing but the two of them are left, Sungjae and Sooyoung collapses on their knees, panting hard.

"Sooyoung..." Sungjae pants.

Sooyoung nods, but still sweating bullets. "I'm fine. We just have to end this." She tries her best to stand up but her knees still doesn't enough strength. "Shit. Help me up, Sungjae."

"I think it's better if I do this alone." Sungjae suggests as he sees the love of his life struggling.

"No." Sooyoung panics. "No, Sungjae. We have to do this together. Lucifer will kill you."

Sungjae's eyes closes in anguish. "Better me than you. I don't want you to get hurt."

Sooyoung traps the boy's face with her hands. "Did you forget? We are the only ones who can do this. It needs to be the both of us."


Sooyoung gives the boy a kiss on the lips. "My heart will always belong to you."

Sungjae manages to calm himself down with Sooyoung's help. They were about to go further when suddenly an evil laugh begins to echo to the gates of hell. A black smoke emerges and appearing from it are Lucifer and his henchmen.

"Looks like you had fun without me." Lucifer smirks. "You can't even stand up properly. How would you even try defeating me?"

Sooyoung tries her best to stand on her feet. "We will do whatever it takes to stop you Lucifer. Your reign of evil will end."

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