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"The hyacinth is mainly about a deep feeling of sadness and asking for forgiveness."

Changsub finds the biggest flower shop there is in town and discovers "Joy's Flower Shop" that produces the most beautiful flowers that you can ever see. It is also said that they can find any flower or plant that their customers want.

The store bell rings signaling the arrival of a customer. Sooyoung and Wendy just finished reviving a dead plant they found outside of their home earlier.

"Good morning, how may I help you?" Sooyoung smiles at the boy with a nice smile and another one with a cold aura.

Changsub answers. "I'm visiting my family's grave. What kind of flowers do you have?"

Sooyoung takes the boy's hands and smiles sadly. "I'm so sorry for your loss."

"It's been a long time. I'm okay." Changsub forces a smile.

Sooyoung shakes her head. "The pain of losing a loved one will not lessen no matter how much time has passed, it only makes us stronger."

"Thank you." Changsub lowers his head. Without noticing, he starts to feel a sense of warmth and peace crawl inside his body.

Sungjae taps his foot impatiently. "Can you just show us the flowers?"

"Of course." Sooyoung and Wendy lead the two boys towards the group of flowers. "These are called Chrysanthemums. They are the most common flowers that people give to their loved ones that have passed away. The white ones are the ones that are the symbol of lamentation and grief. But you can also pick other colors and we can arrange it for you."

"Most common?" Sungjae raises his eyebrows. "We don't want that. Give us something more unique. I don't want any second-rate flowers."

Wendy goes irritated at the customer's words. "Excuse me? We don't produce any second-rate flowers in here."

Sooyoung stops her friend from arguing further. "Wait here Sir. I'll find something in the back."

Sooyoung pulls Wendy at the empty back room. She begins doing some hand gestures and on cue, a bright white light surrounds her hands.

"You were being rude to the customers, Wendy." Sooyoung says calmly.

Wendy scoffs. "He's ruder than I was. How dare he call our flowers second-rate?" she pouts.

"You're too cute Wendy." Sooyoung giggles. "Please be prepared. Reviving that dead plant took its toll on me. Producing a flower will surely drain me out of my powers for today."

Sooyoung comes back alone with a different looking flowers. But the angel's face goes pale, clearly weakened for using her powers but she still has the most angelic smile that Changsub has ever seen.

"Do you like this?" Sooyoung asks her customers with a hopeful look on her face. "These are called Hyacinths, they mean sorrow and grief and also they mean forgiveness."

Changsub's face lights up, clearly satisfied. "They are so beautiful. I'll take these."

"Perfect! This way please." Sooyoung leads the two men to the cash register. "That'll be 10,000 won sir."

Sungjae suddenly removes his shades, revealing that he's wearing contact lens. "We already paid you what we owe." He says in his hypnotizing voice.

Sooyoung looked confused but she doesn't have that blank look on her face. "I'm sorry Sir. I know for a fact that you haven't paid because we just got here."

"I'm sorry Miss, my friend can be a little forgetful." Changsub stops his friend. "Here you go."

"Thank you." Sooyoung bows politely. "Please come again."

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