Flowering Reed

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Flowering Reed - Confide in the Heavens

Sooyoung and Sungjae stare at each other's eyes, finding it hard to believe that everything missing in their lives has been each other all along.

"All this time, I thought the thing that I was missing was my wings." Sooyoung caresses the boy's face. "Turns out it was because it was the only thing connecting you to me."

Sungjae wipes the tear that escapes her eye. "You don't have to miss me anymore I'm here."

Sooyoung suddenly pouts. "I can't believe you lied to me. You told me that you're just gonna talk to the elders that night."

"If I told you, you would've stopped me." Sungjae argues.

"Of course I would've stopped you!" Sooyoung gets on top of the angel, their faces inches apart but her eyes are filled with determination. "We were supposed to this together remember? We were supposed to fight and go through all that hardships together. But you left me alone."

Sungjae puts his hand by the girl's neck. "I couldn't let them take you. I couldn't even bear the thought of you being hurt. You're my life Sooyoung."

"I hate you." Sooyoung sniffles. "Stop making me cry."

Sungjae chuckles and kisses her right on the lips, switching their positions so he's the one on top now. "I would do it again if it means saving your life."

The next morning, Sooyoung wakes up to something warm being wrapped around her and sees Sungjae sleeping soundly by her side. She couldn't believe what happened last night. Sungjae slowly opens his eyes, greeted by the most beautiful angel he has ever seen in his life.

"You look beautiful." Sungjae whispers.

Sooyoung blushes immediately. "You never did change."

Sungjae shrugs. "I'm only saying the truth you know?"

"Sure you are." Sooyoung checks her phone, her brows knit together. "That's odd. Wendy hasn't checked since last night."

"Were you with them last night?" Sungjae asks.

Sooyoung nods. "I was with Chanyeol and Wendy. We were celebrating because Wendy and Chanyeol have normal lives now. Then I saw you at the club, doing whatever it is you were doing there."

"I was... uhm... interrogating the demon." Sungjae tries to phrase it.

Sooyoung raises an eyebrow. "You've got an interesting way of interrogating."

"It's called torture." Sungjae shrugs.

Understanding flies across Sooyoung's face. This must be hard for Sungjae to talk about. Without another word, the girl just wraps her arms around the boy. Both of them really had it rough for the past hundreds of years. Their moment of peace gets disturbed by Sooyoung's phone ringing.

"Hello Wendy? Where are you? Why didn't you check in?" Sooyoung says in panic.

The girl hears a male click his tongue. "You shouldn't have made these two human yet, Angel Sooyoung."

Sooyoung gasps. "Lucifer."

"Put him on speaker." Sungjae turns serious at the mere mention of his name.

"Why do you have Wendy's phone?" Sooyoung asks, anger in her voice.

An evil laughter erupts. "Hmm... why do I have your favorite human's phone?" Lucifer sounds as if his thinking. "Why don't you ask them?"

"Sooyoung! Sooyoung! Please!" Wendy shouts.
"Don't touch her! Don't touch her you filthy demon!" Chanyeol's voice booms.

Sungjae balls his fist. "If you dare touch him Lucifer I swear to God..."

"You swear what?!" Lucifer shouts in anger. "Hasn't he betrayed you long enough?"

Sooyoung fights back her tears. "Don't you hurt my friends, you betrayer! What is it that you want??!!"

The call suddenly ends and Lucifer shows up as some sort of hologram with Wendy and Chanyeol tied up.

"Wendy!" Sooyoung runs but she just goes straight through.

Lucifer chuckles evilly. "You're asking what I want right?" his face then darkens. "I want you. Both of you. Your life for theirs." He smiles evilly. "Since I'm feeling a bit merciful. I'll give you... two days to think that you mere children can defeat me."

With a loud laughter, Lucifer disappears with Wendy and Chanyeol.

"Oh my god." Sooyoung buries her face on the boy's chest. "We have to do something Sungjae. We have to save them."

Sungjae tightens his arms around the girl. "I know my love. I know. But we can't do this alone. We have to ask for their help."

Sooyoung wipes her tears. "You're right."

Suddenly a blinding white light appears and reveals Jaemin and Jeno with worried expression on their faces.

"Jaemin! Jeno!" Sooyoung runs to the boys. "You have to help us. Please!"

Jaemin looks at the couple. "Looks like you started the prophecy."

"Started it?" Sungjae looks confused. "I thought it started when I turned to a demon?"

Jeno shakes his head. "The prophecy says two angels has to become one... You have returned into an angel Sungjae. It clicked everything into motion."

"Are you saying this is our fault?" Sooyoung tears up again.

"Oh no..." Jaemin holds her hands. "This is gonna happen sooner or later but we didn't get a chance to put protection on people connected to you.

Sungjae gasps. "Changsub..." he grabs his phone and starts to dial a number but no one answered. "He's not answering."

"Sungjae listen!" Jeno grabs his attention. "They have him."

"What???!!!" Sungjae shouts in anger. "What can we do? What should we do?"

A pained expression comes across Jaemin and Jeno's face. "What is it? Tell us?" Sooyoung exclaims.

"There is one thing you can do." Jaemin looks uncomfortable. "But there is a price to pay."

Jeno nods at them. "If you decide to do this. There is a high chance that you will lose your powers... and your memories of each other."


Author's Note:

Chapter kkeut...

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