Lily of the Valley

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 "The lily-of-the-valley is a flower symbolizing new beginnings because of its expression of a return to peace and happiness or a gift given to show how someone has made your life complete. "

200 years later, Sooyoung is still living among humans, together with an unaging Wendy. They have learned to blend in the crowd, try as much not to stand out. They also migrate from place to place since people will start to notice that they are not changing.

They younger they pretend to be the longer they can stay at a certain place. Needless to say, they have roamed around the world more than once. They try to avoid staying in their safe place to avoid the place getting found out by the enemies. Wendy has been a very diligent protector for Sooyoung; they have trained and learned the laws of heaven together.

Wendy and Sooyoung also have ventured in various businesses to learn how to live like humans even though they can magically produce everything they need. Instead, they use their angelic powers in starting their business which turn out more successful every time they start a new one. As time pass by, they turn to silent owners to avoid the public knowing about them. So far, their most famous business venture is the grape vineyard they have in Paris, the wines represent their very existence; they get better with age.

"Paris has always been my favorite place to go." Sooyoung sighs with regret. "It pains me every time we leave this place."

Wendy chuckles. "Your words still sound so old-fashioned. It's 2017; we need to improve your vocabulary."

Sooyoung suddenly sees a boy crying in the middle of their plantation. They both approach the child and crouch down so they could be on the same eye level.

"Hello little boy, why are you crying?" Sooyoung says with her angelic voice, calming him in an instant.

The boy sniffles. "I got lost. I can't find my mami and papi."

"Don't cry little one." Sooyoung magically produces a sunflower inside her hand. "Here, you have to cheer up. We'll find your parents, okay?" the child nods at the beautiful lady in front of him. She really does look like an angel sent down from heaven.

Wendy and Sooyoung assist the boy to find his parents. He immediately runs to them when he catches sight of his mother and father. Seeing the boy give the sunflower that she magically made to his mother, gave Sooyoung an idea for her next business venture.

"Wendy..." Sooyoung calls her best friend. "I think I've found what to do for our next business venture. Do we have anything on flowers?"

Wendy smiles, liking the idea. "I'm sure we can find something. We'll figure it out Sooyoung."

The girls entrust the vineyard and winery to their caretaker. Sooyoung gives one of their information for transaction purposes. But they still have one problem, it's their last day in Paris and they still haven't figured out where to go next.

"Do you think we should return to Korea?" Wendy suggests, biting her lip. "I'm kinda curious on what it looks like now. I do miss Seoul."

Sooyoung thinks about it. "It's been two hundred years since we were attached in that alleyway. Do you want to stay in our safe house?" the other girl nods. "Okay then, Seoul it is. Are you packed?"

"Of course! Let's do some shopping when we get there." Wendy excitedly says.

Sooyoung gives her a thumbs up. "Sure! Let's do some final checking and then we'll teleport there."

Sooyoung gets through their luggage and sees the kid from earlier enter her room.

"Oh, you're here." Sooyoung jumps in surprise. "What are you doing here? Did you get lost again?"

The boy keeps his head down. "I'm looking for an angel."

"An angel? There's no angel here." Sooyoung freezes, looking around to find a way out.

The boy chuckles, his head still down. "Oh, but there is... We've been looking for her for a long time. And her name is Sooyoung." The boy finally raises his head and reveals his blood crimson eyes and evil grin.

Sooyoung takes out her lasso immediately and tries to capture the demon without killing the boy but the creature is too fast and manages to scratch the girl's arm. She swings the lasso again and finally catches the demon by his legs and pulls him with his back on her. Sooyoung produces a white light on her hand and slaps the kid's body on his back, a black mass flying out of him. She produces a dagger with white light and throws it towards the black mass, dispersing it into nothing.

"Wendy!" Sooyoung shouts as she carries the boy's body in her arms.

Wendy enters the room, seeing Sooyoung sweating. "What happened?!"

"I was attacked. A demon possessed this little boy. Could you heal him? Removing a demon still takes a toll on my body." Sooyoung pants, catching her breath.

Wendy nods. "Of course." She touches the boy's forehead and concentrates to remove any trace of evil in him.

After making up some excuses and send the boy back to his parents, Sooyoung and Wendy move quickly to get out of Paris. If one demon already found them, there's a chance that others will follow.

"We have to get out of here right away." Wendy calls her attention.

Sooyoung looks around the room with a pained expression. "I know. Let's just leave a note so they won't call the police to find us."

Wendy and Sooyoung write a letter for their caretaker and his family before they teleport to a place that sort of feels familiar but also unfamiliar at the same time.

"We're here." Sooyoung scans their safe haven. It's surrounded by nature; different varieties of trees and vines crawl up to the walls of the mansion. It looks completely deserted. With a wave of her finger, Sooyoung removes all the vines that covered their home. She also cleans the inside of the house.

"Do you want some pizza?" Wendy offers. "I could make some."

Sooyoung nods. "Sure. You know how I like it."

Sooyoung and Wendy settle to their old home. They pick their rooms next to each other and with a magnificent view. While eating their dinner, they plan their cover for the next couple of years.

"Do you want to go straight as high school students? Or straight to college?" Wendy takes out her iPad to note everything.

Sooyoung thinks about it. "Let's just go straight to college and major in Botany. I really want to push through our flower shop."

"But do you want it to be a big one or just a simple and small one?" Wendy searches through the web for what kind of school offers the best program.

"I want a big one. I want a wide variety of flowers, small trees and plants. I want to make them all." Sooyoung's eyes light up.

And that's what they did. Four years in college and their business bloomed like a flower. Their plants are the best in the town has ever seen. What does Wendy and Sooyoung have in store for the rest of the human world?


twitter: cheerfultopaz

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