reason for slow updates + teasers for next chapters

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hey guys i have exams in four weeks and if i don't get over 80% on every single exam, i'll be moving to a private school.

this really changes everything in my life so i'm really stressing about it.

that school is full of rich snobs and some of them go to the same bus stop as me and give me really dirty looks because they used to be in my class in primary school.
not only will this be bad for me but also my family will be in a real financial issue as the uniforms cost $1000+ and fees are as expensive as uni.

i had a long conversation with my counsellor and i mentioned this to her. apparently she worked in that private school for 12 years and says the education is exactly the same as where i am currently. just this time they're rich.
'rich slackers' she called them.

she also said that they don't have a very multicultural society and they aren't nice or supportive. with all the shit i'm going through is sometimes because of my sexuality and questioning even my own gender. (don't judge please im super confused)

so i wont be able to be myself and i wont be able to explore on top of that there are a lot of religious beliefs.

but also in that school, you have to go to church every day. so that's not good and i'm stressing the shit out.

so sorry for the slow updates but the next thing i'll do is update about the armageddon thing which includes:

-some bitch in behind us the burger line
-a really cool author who started out on wattpad
-a guy that looks exactly like tony stark

then i'll update two chapters that i have patiently waiting for u guys and then two requests i have but i don't know how long it'll take as i have four weeks to pick my grades up from the depths of hell.

also i wont open my inbox messages for a while so if you ask something, please be patient!

thanks for your awesomeness and patience!!!

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