Authors note// please read

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This is literally my FIRST ever written book on Wattpad that came out when I was in middle school or something, so it's very old... and bad.

I'm NOT republishing this because I think it's good- I know it is very bad in all aspects- but it's just for nostalgia.

This book is very much a product of its time, so if you were on wp during this era... you'll understand the "appeal"of this story. It's like your quintessential 2016-2018 werewolf book, so read it with that viewpoint.

Knowing that now, please don't read this book expecting some amazing writing or plot-line; just read it for the old vibes. Or you can read it if you read it when it first came out and were asking for me to reupload it all this time.

I've been embarrassed of this book for so long, but my friends have convinced me to just say "f it" and republish, so y'all can thank them for this surprise.

Again, this is bad writing and grammar and characters and plot, so please don't roast me... I've insulted myself enough about this story over the years and idk if I can take more.

BE NICE TO ME, PLEASE!!! I'm giving you a warning before you can even get to the first chapter, so what happens after this chapter is because of your own doing :(

If you want to read a decent story- still a little mediocre, but way better than this one- then you can read the other books I have published on my account to see my progress as a writer ;P

Alright, I hope you guys read that long spiel before continuing... please say you did😔🙏

If you still want to continue after all of this, then I at least hope you can find some sort of enjoyment out of it... I know I will as I reread it w/you guys lol

*also ignore the next author's note explaining that I edited this book... I never did, so it's still the same crappy story! I tried to edit it, but it's too broken to fix and I was too lazy and uninterested to create a whole new book for this story, so sorry about that*

*also one more psa... you'll probably see me commenting in some chapters if I'm just cringing so hard that I need to leave an update. Ok, that's it*

*ok this is the last psa... I'm not lying this time I swear!! I'm looking back now and I see that I already tried republishing the book in 2020 or maybe that's just when I took it down in the first place... idk. That wasn't really important to what I had to say, but this is just me thinking out loud at this point, BUT all my comments are mean (well means towards the main female character), so that just gives you another reason to be nice to me now. They were ripping Orianna to shreds and she was just trying to slay as an independent woman, but everyone said "noooo"! So please don't keep sending her hate; girls support girls... remember that whole reading*


Hey guys! Welcome to my first ever story... rewritten. Some of you might be new, so hello! Some of you might be old readers, so hello! This is a project I've been wanting to work on for YEARS now, but I wanted to wait until my writing skills were better, so I could do the story justice. If you read the story before, you know it NEEDED some help, so I hope you can now enjoy the storyline and characters better. The story is still not perfect and never will be, but it's something that I'm now proud of, so that's all I can ask for.

There will be some major and minor changes to the plot, characters, and different scenes, so those of you who have already read the story it'll be like a brand new story in certain parts.

There's nothing else I can say about the story... all I can say now is that I'm happy about this new upgrade and I hope that all of you enjoy and see the improvements in my writing ability!!

*REMEMBER... it was never edited! Yes, I am a liar at times! Yes, this was me trying to manifest that the story magically got better! No, the manifestation never worked because it's still bad and very much not edited*

Ok, now you can continue and enjoy after like the millionth disclaimer

Love you to those that are still here <333


DREAMS- mental vision given to wolves once they hit their prime mating age to help connect them with their mate. It's not a clear image, but gives a vague outline, shape, aura, or shadow of their mate and is the only way soulmates can be found. After a year, the couple can die if they have yet to be connected or marked, unless the bond is physically, mentally, and emotionally broken.

Also something important to know is not every wolf gets their dreams or have a mate for reasons you'll find out.

BLOOD LINK- Once the couple is marked and mated, then they have to share each other's blood with each other. They both have to drink from each other's marked spot to fuse their blood together, thus creating an unbreakable bond.

LUPITA- This means 'little wolf' and is usually used by pairs when speaking to their mate. It's used to either get their mate to become submissive or just another way to show their endearment.

LUPA-- This means 'she-wolf', which is used by the Alpha to call the she-wolves in his pack this if they're acting out of order or did something bad, so it's basically like a warning and can be used as a degrading term.

KENYON-- This means 'little wolf', but it's used for males. The Alpha uses this the same way as 'Lupa', so if a male did something wrong the Alpha would call him this and he knows he's being scolded or is being kicked from his current Pack ranking.


I hope you guys enjoy this story and thank you so much for giving my story a read!!!

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