Chapter 9: Show Off (Part 2)

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Agony and pain filled noises chilled the perimeter of the map as the enemy team was taken down one by one.

"Ryūjin no ken wo kurae!"

You reached the end of the platform only to see this ninja already dashing his way into the center of the group wiping out the majority of your team.

Luckily, you watched as reinhardt heated up what looked like thrusters on his back and trucked his way to the other side of the contained area, just as the masked ninja was finished.

Leaving him and the mysterious man on point...


Angela watched the monitors closely as she examined reinhardts behavior. He seemed a little too...serious. In these situations, he never seemed as serious as this. He was normally so engaged and ready he would start cheering for himself, and boosting his self confidence...but, this time he was so calm and collective.


Taking a closer look at the one on one she noticed reinhardt take a glance at you up on the top balcony scanning the battlefield below, then back towards genji. His helmet hiding his inner monologue of valor and honor.

She almost held a grasp on a hunch of what was going on by that subtle gaze rein' had on you.

It seemed that they had stayed in this deadlock for a while and you had been silent this whole time, only a few times drawing a deep breath from within the pits of your stomach and out of your nose.

Finally, the ninja made his move with a mad dash towards the brute with reinhardt not moving an inch...

Concentrating on genjis far from linear movements, he waited for the proper moment to take action.

Angela was almost baffled by this unpredicted behavior, moving a little in her chair she adjusted herself closer to the monitor. This was unbelievable to her, reinhardt was never like this before. Normally in situations like this, he would instantly charge head on forcing himself into deathly situations but in this instance, he was calmer than ever.

Angelas eyes grew wider as she continued to watch this fight unfold to be met with a hard hitting suprise.

As genji dashed straight into rein, his intention to dominantly slice through a chunk of rein's health. Reinhardt instantly started up his thrusters on his plating and slammed straight into the cyborg.


Flying to the other side of the area, they landed into the small abandoned market they were at previously. It had appeared his thrusters had stopped however, he didn't. In the same swift motion, genji flew off of rein's armor. Rein held tight onto his hammer as he brought it quickly from his side and used the thrusters he had on the back of the clock genji across the market with a hard metal 'clank'.

He performed with such agility and persission, angela had a hard time catching her breath. Your eyebrows lifted at the incredible feat reinhardt had just performed.

Rein' did his absolute best to hide the fact that he was immense pain as he gazed at genji's body hitting a hard wall making a crater into the pavement, then falling to his knees to have the cold, rocky floor meet his metal body.

Rein' had lingered a little too long before jogging back to the point to claim it as his own.

Your eyes followed his movements as your tan shaded cheeks rose slowly at the man in silver plating.


As the first point was captured, reinhardt remained silent as he noticed his group returning from the beginning.

He peeked up on the balcony above to notice you starring down at him with eyes of astonishment and a smile of warmth.

His heart began to beat rapidly...

Internally confiding himself, he pushed forward staying in front of the group with his shield locked tightly in place.

You looked around again to try and find another possible route down to the objective but, struggled to do so quickly. You decided to go back to the stairs you had used previously and rushed back to the group.

Passing underneath the small bridge connecting two higher planes of stone. You jogged to the back of the team and continued your pace as the group started to move together.

Passing through double doors with only one door agape, you couldn't help but notice the mental strain of the group as they began to figure out the best plan of action to taking the next point.

Ana's eyes scanned the area for any hidden enemy forces and deemed it clear to advance seeing no one else around but, the team.

Examining the area further, it seemed dimmer and a little colder than the area before. As they continued to walk, a large set of stone double doors stood tall on a carved hill with stairs connecting it to the ground. Obelisks complimented the egyptian scenary, as they gained traction on their enemies.

"Me and lena will go around back and get em' from behind. Ana can keep you healed." Lúcio spoke quietly as they began to approach the large stone door to objective 'B', with lena quickly agreeing.

"Ya!", Her and lucio seemed to be on the same level of mentality as they simultainiously rose both of their hands and clapped them together in a state of agreement.

"Right, I'll hit up right side! My self-destruct is ready to activate! Once i nuke em' all, we take the point, win, and it'll be GG, easy!" Hana raised her hand inside her mech to make a peace sign over her eye, then quickly resting it on her mech handles once more.

All these plans to attack in different directions but, rein's head was in a different place.

With his head turned sideways his front facing attention was directed towards the group but, his inner focus was on impressing you.

"No...i have a better idea..." Rein's voice was so low and grundgy. Not only was his intentions digging into his subcouncious but, the aching in his body didn't help either.

With all eyes on rein, he began his verbal perspective.

"Stay behind my shield we will all rush in except for hana. Hana you stay back with your self-destruct. I will let you know when to use it..."

Rein's sudden urge to take the lead had everyone intruiged. Angela wasn't exactly sure on what was happening either...but she knew this was going to be a sight to behold...

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