Here for you

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Niall looks at me and runs his hand through  his hair.
"When did this happen?" he asked, looking into my eyes.
"Um, when you were on tour" I say looking back at the mirror.
"Well, when do I get to meet him?" Niall asked standing straight, acting likes he's my big brother.
"Well me and him are going out for coffee. Do you want to come?" I asked looking at him.
He looked at me and nods his head. "Good, let's go" I say walking out of the bathroom.

Niall and I walk into the shop, and I saw Blake sitting at one of the tables.
"Hey babe" Blake said kissing my cheek. He looked at Niall and eyes me.
"Who's he?" he mumbled to me.
"Um, Blake this is Niall and Niall this is Blake!" I say introducing each other.
"Nice to meet you" Niall said sticking his hand out.
"You too!" Blake said, rejected Niall's hand shake. Niall puts his hand in his pocket. "So let's sit" I say already sitting.
Blake sat next to me and Niall sat across from me.
"So Katelyn, when are you moving in with me?" Blake asked. I tense up.
Niall looks at me and spoke. "You're moving in with him?" I look at Niall and nod.
"Yeah mate she must of not told you because you were so busy!" Blake said taking a drink.
"Well, me and Katelyn talk all the time" Niall said, getting a little annoyed by Blake.
"Okay well Blake, sweetie, how's school?" I ask changing the subject.
"It's very good. I can't wait till you come see it!" He said, kissing my forehead. I saw Niall roll his eyes.

Niall and I didn't talk the whole drive home. Niall pulls into the driveway. I get out and open the front and go to my room. I close the door and fall on my bed. Then I hear a knock on the door.
"Go away Niall!" I yell though the pillow. He opens the door and walks and sits next to me.
"Katelyn I'm sorry about Blake" Niall said.
I huff.
"He was just worried that I liked you Niall so that's why he was acting like that" I say.
"I know and I'm really sorry" Niall said. I looked up at him and sat up.
"It's okay!" I say.

I was sitting downstairs in the living room, watching Tv. Niall was in the kitchen making something to eat. He comes in and sits down next to me. "Change it to football!" Niall yelled. I roll my eyes and change it. I move over to Niall's back. "What are you doing love?" he asked with a little laugh. "My head hurts so I'm laying my head on your back" I told him.
"This is why I love you!" he said, taking a drink.

I fell asleep. Niall must of carried me up to my bed, because when I woke up I was laying in my bed. I kept waking up because of a bad dream. I crawl out of bed and tip toe to my bedroom door. I slowly open it up and walk over to Niall's door. I open it and walk inside. I close the door and walk over to the side of the bed and lift the covers. I slide in and Niall moves a little. "hmmmm" Niall said facing me. "Niall?" I ask.
Niall opens his eyes and smiles. "Hey love, what are you doing in here?" he asked.
"I had a bad dream!" I say, hugging him.
He wraps his arms around me and kissed my forehead. "You can sleep in here tonight!" Niall said. "Thanks!" I say falling asleep. "Night princess!" Niall said closing his eyes.

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