Here For You

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The sun shines through the window. I yawn and sit up. I look down seeing Niall under me. I jump up and fall straight to the floor. The noise woke up Niall.
"Love, what are you doing on the floor?" He asked me.
"Um, I don't know" I say pulling myself up.
I stand there facing Niall. I don't know what time it is. Hoping it's not noon. Niall smiles at me and grabs my hands pulling me closer to him. I smile at him. I think I'm falling for this boy. I hear people talking and laughing. Crap it's the boys.
"Okay, I'll go out the back door and you stay" I say grabbing my blanket. Niall stopes me by grabbing my hip and pulls me into him.
"Niall the boys are..." Niall kisses me one more time before I run out the back door.
I walk to the camp with the blanket over my head. I saw Kaitlyn throwing something away.
"Hey, Katelyn where were you last night?" She asked. I don't know what to say.
"Katelyn?" Kaitlyn asked.
"Um, I woke up early and went for a walk" I say walking pass her.
I walk into the cabin going to my room. I jump onto the bed and rethink what happen last night. Niall is making me fall for him, but why? I sit up and see Emily standing by the door.
"Hey Katelyn...where were you this morning?" She asked.
"Um, I went for a walk" I say making my lie bigger.
"Oh, have you seen Niall anywhere?" She asked worried.
"Nope can't say I haven't" I say.
"Well thanks anyways" she leaves. I fall back onto my bed and sigh in relief.
The boys got back from what ever they where doing and Niall was with them. He looks at me and I smile, but it goes away soon as he's greeted by Emily. I watch as she kisses him. I felt like I was just a bitch chick for Niall when he's alone. I started ripping the shirt I had in my hands and I didn't even know I was.

"Katelyn clam down" Kaitlyn said taking the shirt from my hands.
We were the ones to wash the clothes.
"This is Liam's favorite shirt" I nod my head and turn to look back at Niall. He had his arm around her and was talking to Harry. I want to punch her in the face, but I kept my cool.

The night grow cold and we were all sitting around the camp fire. Kaitlyn and Liam are sitting next to each other. Niall and Emily, me and Harry and Zayn and Louis.
"Let's have a singing contest" Louis shouts. We all laugh.
"Okay who goes first?" Harry asked.
"Um, Emily can you sing?" Niall asked.
"Oh no, I suck" she smiles.
"Come on babe!" He begged. Ugh! I thought.
"Okay I little bit" she said.
"Okay sing..." Louis said.
"No-" I cut her off.
"I'll sing" I say. Everyone turns their head to me.
"Really you never want to sing Katelyn" Liam said. " Only when you want to bug me" Kaitlyn laughs.
"No for real I'll sing" I say grabbing the guitar.

🎶 All I want is nothing more
Than to hear you knocking at my door
'Cause if I could see your face once more
I could die, happy I'm sure
When you said your last goodbye
I died a little bit inside
I lay in tears in bed all night
Alone without you by my side
But If you loved me
Why'd you leave me?
Take my body
Take my body
All I want is
And all I need is
To find somebody
I'll find somebody like you🎶
I look at everyone and they where smiling.
"Wow did you write that?" Louis asked.
"Yeah I wrote it when I was back at home" I say.
"Who's it about?" Emily asked.
It's about Niall but I can't say that.
"My boyfriend" I say. Niall looked hurt. I grab a stick and put a marshmallow at the end of it. I felt like I could fall asleep. Harry sat next to me and we talked. I could feel Nialls eyes on me. I ignore it.
"Katelyn what was the song called?" Harry asked.
"Oh, it was called All I Want" I smile. I could hear Emily talking to Niall and Zayn talking too. I was so tired I fall asleep next to Harry.
The next I woke up I was In my bed. I get up and walk into the kitchen and see Niall sitting at the table eating.
"Morning Niall" I say.
"Morning" he said standing up and putting his plate in the sink, I was right next to it.
"Hey," he said touching my arm.
"Yes?" I ask.
"You were awesome last night...I loved the song" he said walking away. I let out my breath I was holding in. He is a charm.
I walk outside to see Kaitlyn. She was still in the same clothes as yesterday.
"Kaitlyn?" I ask.
"Yeah, what's up?"
"Why are you still in the same clothes from yesterday?!" I asked.
"I fall asleep in them" I see Liam still in his same clothes.
" and Liam?" I asked with a laugh about to come.
"Katelyn...okay we did" I Laugh so hard to the point I couldn't breath.
"Kaitlyn this is gold" I say.
"Don't tell anyone" Madison said.
"I won't okay"
"And hey Katelyn I found your charm necklace In the cabin me and Liam were at" she said handing it to me.
"Oh my god...thanks" I say taking it.
"Why was it there?" I look up at her.
"Um I don't know" I say walking away before I get into something. Niall!
The boys went boating, but Niall was asleep and didn't get up. Kaitlyn and I watch the boys try and move the boat around.
"Louis you're going to fall" I yell, then the boat flips over. We all laugh at loud.

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