Here For You

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I drove home, thinking to myself. Blake is so nice and sweet. He really didn't care if we didn't have sex, I really do love him.

I pull into my driveway, getting out of my car shutting the door. I walk to the front door unlocking it and walking inside.

"Niall I'm home!" I yell.

I hear someone running around. Niall pecks his head in the living room, smiling.

"Hello love!" He said, hugging me.

I hug back. I move over the couch and sit down.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yes I'm just tired" I say rubbing my eyes. I grabbed my phone, unlocking it. I look at the time and it was 1:38am.

"Wow it's one in the morning" I say, laying my phone down. Niall grabs my hand and leads me upstairs to my bedroom. I lay down on my bed and close my eyes. I felt Niall kiss my head.

"Night Katelyn" I hear him say as my bedroom door shuts.


I wake up to the sound of people talking. I sit up rubbing my eyes. I walk over to the door, opening it up. I go to the top of the stairs to see Blake talking to Niall.

"Blake what are you doing here?" I ask walking downstairs.

"I was just wondering if you were okay?" Blake asked. I saw Niall roll his eyes.

"Awe, I'm fine okay!" I tell Blake.

"Okay! Do you want to go out to eat today?" Blake asked.

"Um sorry Blake, but I told Niall that I would hangout with him today!" I say smiling.

"Oh okay" Blake said kissing me in front of Niall.

Blake never likes kissing in front of people. Why is he being so rude? I look over at Niall and he looks so pissed. I hug Blake goodbye. I shut the front door. I turn to Niall.

"I'm so sorry" I say.

"It's okay" he said.

"He never did anything like that before" I say, walking over to Niall. "So what do you want to do today?" I ask.

"Mall?" He asked.

"Sure" I say, walking upstairs.


Niall opens my side door for me.

"Thanks" I say, grabbing my bag.

We walk into the mall. I love this mall. It was big and pretty, you were inside and outside at the same time. I was walking into my favorite store. It's a clothes store, of course. I looked around seeing a cute dress. I walk over to it, picking it up.

"Cute..." Niall said, walking over to me.

"Could I try it on?" I ask.

"Sure" he said, sitting down in the chair.

I run into the dressing room. I take off my clothes and put the dress on. I look in the mirror. "OMG" I say to myself. I walk out of the room. I see Niall smile.

"Pretty" he said.

"Really? You think Blake would like it?" I asked. Niall rolled his eyes.

"How would I know?" He said.

"Okay whatever, can I get it?" I ask.

"Yeah" Niall said, standing up.

I change back into my other clothes. We walk over to the corner and see a blond headed girl smiling at Niall. " Is this all?" She asked Niall.

"Yeah" he said, pulling his card out.

"You must be a lucky girl...$56.00" she said.

"Um we're not dating " I say.

"Oh sorry" she said.

I grab the bag and was walking away when I hear Niall laughing. I turn to look at that girl and Niall talking. I was mad. I don't know why.

"Uhh?" I say and Niall looks over at me.

"Bye have a nice day" Niall said walking away.

He walks over to me. I start walking away. Niall follows.

"What's wrong?" Niall asked.

"Nothing. I'm just...nothing" I say.

"We'll it's something. What is it?"he said, grabbing my arm.

"That girl was just using you, because you're "Niall Horan"! " I say.

"So?" Niall said.

"You're an ass!" I say, walking away.

He runs after me.

"Katelyn, I'm sorry" he said.

"Okay, buy me lunch and I forgive you" I say,  turning around.

"Deal" he said, grabbing my hand.


We sit down with our food. I take a bite of my burger. Niall was smiling at me.

"What? Is something on my face?" I say with food in my mouth. He laughs.

"No it's just you can eat in front of me without being all girly" he said, taking a drink.

"Well I'm comfortable around you" I say, taking another bite.


We get home and I walk inside the house. I see that Niall was on the phone. I walked into my room undressing, changing into my pjs. I walked to the bathroom, but hear Niall talking to someone.

"Yeah mate she so pretty today at the mall" Niall said.

"In the clothes store"

"Yeah and we brought a dress" he laughs "She was hot" he said.

I felt like I was going to cry I walked back into my room closing the door. Niall was in love with that girl. I don't even know her name. I start to cry. Why am I crying? I'm in love with Blake. Maybe I'm starting to fall for Niall , but we have been friends since little kids this makes no since. I heard Niall coming up stairs. He knocks on my door.

"Katelyn you dress?" He asked.

I wipe my tears and stand up.

"Yeah come in" I say. He walks in and closed the door.

"Hey so-are you okay?" He asked. God he's good!


He walks over to me and puts his arms around me. I rest my head on his chest.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"I um, looked on twitter and the fans-" he walks over to my laptop and open it. He read some of the hate I get and slams my laptop.

"What the hell? Why didn't you tell me?" Niall yelled.

"Cause' I didn't want you to act like this" I say, tearing up.

"I don't want you to hurt yourself because I lo-" he stop and looked at me.

"Don't cry Katelyn please" he said standing up.

He walks over to me hugging me tight.
"Please" he said.

I looked at him and he was crying.

"Okay Niall" I say, hugging him tighter.

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