Here For You

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I woke up the next day, messing hair and everything. The best part is that I started my lady business. I laid in bed mostly all day. Playing on my laptop, Niall was texting.

Hey love, are you ready?
Huh,? 😞
Babe, do you remember about the concert? 😚
Oh my gosh, Niall I'm so sorry...I forgot. I started today and I feel like shit!!!!
Aww, it's okay babe...stay home and rest. I'll swing around soon and bring you some goods okay😘😍
Thanks Niall I love you😘
Love you too sweetheart❤️

I smile to myself. Niall is the greatest boyfriend ever. I lay my phone on the nightstand and go to the bathroom. After I was done I washed my hands and went to fix me something to eat. Erica was at school. Sucks for her she goes to college. I grab and box of Apple jacks & eat them.


Later that day Niall was over. Zayn took
Erica out to eat so we had the place to ourselves.

"So, how was the concert?" I ask.

"The best...I wish you could've seen it" he said.

"I won't miss the next one" I say holding his hand. He smiles at me.

Niall's phone buzzes and he checks it. He rolls his eyes and puts his phone away.

"Babe what's the matter?" I ask.

"Nothing, just someone not important " he said.

"Who is it?" I ask feeling upset. I walk behind him, hugging him.

"I don't want to talk about it" I turn him around to look at me.

"Niall who is it?!" I say.

"Emily keeps texting and calling me" he said.

"Why?!" I ask.

"I don't know I just don't text back" he said.

"Here..." I say pulling his phone out of his pocket. "Let me figure it out"

"Katelyn remember about the keeping it a secret?" He asked.

"Yeah, here put it on speaker!" I say handing him his phone.

"Okay," he said. He dials her number and it rings.

"Niall, you're answering me finally" Emily said.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"I want to meet you, I don't want to talk over the phone" she said.

"What's the difference?" He asked.

"Okay fine, have it your way...I just wanna tell you that I'm pregnant so what do you think about that?" She said.

My heart broke in that moment.

"WHAT THE FUCKING HELL!" I yell. Niall looks at me.

"Katelyn? She's listening. Really Niall? What the hell are you doing with her?" Emily yells.

Niall didn't move. I took the phone out of his hand.

"Listen up, you're not gunna throw something like this at Niall" I yell.

"Shut up bitch, your just a side chick for him to get over me!" Emily yelled.

Niall grabs the phone out of my hands.

"Don't talk to her that way, and Emily if you're telling the truth then I'm sorry, I'll help you throw it but we are done" he said hanging up.

"Niall what the got her pregnant?!" I yell.

"No, I didn't...we never been that kind of way without a condom...this isn't true" he said rubbing his face.

"I can't even, what if she's lying to get back with you" I say. I was so mad I could hit someone.

"Babe calm down, this is going to be okay"

"How could you knock up some girl" I yell.

"Emily is lying"

"Why would she lie about this?"

"One night, her, me, and the boys went to a party so we got drunk, but Liam made videos of us falling on your asses" Niall walks over to me and holds into my arms. "Not once did me and Emily kiss or touch anything, me and Emily never slept together" he said.

"So, it's a lie?" I ask

"I think, or she got knock up by another guy?!" He said kissing my forehead.

"Thank the lords I thought I was going to lose it" I say hugging Niall.

"You're sexy when your mad" Niall jokes.

"You're cute" I say.

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