Here For You

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I was leaving. Going back to Ohio. Niall is pissed at me, Emily is pissed at me. I think everyone's pissed at me. I just want Blake to hold me and let me cry. I'm not going to tell him anything about Niall cause he'll be pissed too, and he's the last person I want pissed at me. I was on the plane ride home. I was plane sick I think, is that even a thing? I want to scream. I was listening to music. I soon fall asleep.
I was awoken by the flight lady chick whatever there called.
"Ma'am you need to get off now" she said. I rub my eyes and stand up grabbing my bag from above me. I walk down the long hallway to the airport. I called a taxi to pick me up cause' I'm way to tired to drive.
When I got home. I didn't see Blake's car I the driveway, so he most be at school. I walked in and throw my bag on the ground and kick off my shoes. I walk into the kitchen and see Blake car keys and phone sitting on the table.
I didn't question it. I grab something from the snack Cabinet. I sit on the couch and turn on the TV and watch the walking dead. (fav show)
After I was done eating I went up stairs to take a shower. I open the door to mine and Blake's bedroom. I look at the bed to see Blake and some random girl in bed with him. I was so mixed with emotions that I was frozen.
"Holy fuck...katelyn" Blake said covering himself. The girl holds onto him. I look down not believing anything.
"Who's the fuck is she?" The girl asked. I look up at her and walk over to her with anger. I grab her hair and pull her out if the bed.
"Ow let go of my fucking hair" she yells. I bring her down stairs and push her to the floor. Blake comes down stairs pulling his pants up.
"Katelyn stop"
"Shut up" I yell pointing back at him.
The girl stumbles back to her feet. I slap her across the face.
"Get the hell out if my house!" I scream. She runs out. I close the door. Knowing that Blake is right behind me.
"Katelyn let me explain" I shake my head.
"You said everything already" I yelled.
"You slept with her...and how many others?" I asked, turning around to face him.
" was just her" he said.
" left me, you ran back to Niall and didn't tell me why. I was pissed but I tried to hide it, but day by day I was getting fid up with I wanted to end our relateships" he said.
"Blake I went to go see all my friends" I cried.
"But still...we've never even slept together" he yelled.
"Because..." I look up at him, with anger. "I can't believe you, I was fucking raped...thats why I can't go around sleeping with every boy I see" I scream.
"Katelyn, I'm sorry" he said rethinking about what he said.
"Just get the hell out of my house" I say showing him the door.
"My stuff?" He asked.
"Don't worried I'll burn it for you" I say walking up stairs. I hear him slam the door. I open the bedroom door an close it. I slid down the wall and cry. My whole world is falling apart.
It's been 7 hours since the fuck up with Blake. My phone kept buzzing I thought it was Blake, but it was Erica.

Katelyn are you okay I heard what happened between you and Emily what a bitch, text me back! Katelyn when you get the chance hope your ok sis!
Luv ya kat! 😊

I smile a little and text her back.
Yes, I'm fine just a little up set. I was wondering if I could come back to LA and live with you. I'm done with Ohio and everyone here. I miss you and want to hanging text when ya get this. Love you 😘💎

I lay my Phone down and walk up stairs and start packing my back. I'm leavening and never coming back.

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