Here For You

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I walk into the house and so does Niall.

"That was pretty cool if I do say so myself" Niall said.

"Yeah it was"

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah it's just I'm sleepy" I said walking up stairs.

How I am I going to tell him that I'm moving? That I'm not living here anymore. Crap I can't, I need to write a letter or something. I don't know, How to do something like this. Just two more days. Two!


I wake up and hearing someone in the bathroom. I lay there rubbing my eyes.

"Katelyn I hope you are up we're going to the movies" Niall yelled.

"Why?" I ask.

"Cause' the movie you have been wanting to see?"

Oh my god! The Fault In Our Stars!

"You're really going to take me to go see that?" I ask.

"Of cause" he said smiling.


Niall and I where sitting at the very top seat. Niall had gotten popcorn and drinks. I was so happy I can't wait for this movie.

"Here love" Niall said handing me my drink.

"Thanks" I say.

He sit down next to me and I the movie starts. I lay my head and Niall's arm and watch the movie.

Where at the part where's he tells her that he's has cancer again. I was balling my eyes out like a baby. Niall held my hand and told me it was just a movie. I stop after a while and then again. Most everyone in the room was crying. So I didn't feel as bad. Then the movie came to in end, and it's the saddest movie ever. I can't even. Niall had gotten up and throw are uneaten food away. Him and me walked out.

The sun light burned my eyes. I waited for Niall as he was holding the door for someone. I smiled at him and he smiled back. After he was done he grabs my hand. I moved it.

"Oh sorry" he said.

What's wrong with me? I don't know what I'm thinking, but  I'm crazy for thinking this. Kiss him.

I pull him in letting him know what I'm doing. I touch his lips with mine, moving my hands to his neck. He grabs my waist. I could feel people looking at us, but I didn't care.

I heard someone yell.

"Did you guys watch the TFIOS?" I chuckle.

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