Here For You

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12 months, 365 days, 52 weeks. This is how long it's been since the day I left and I can't think of why I did. Never mind I do remember. Blake!

   I sat in a little old apartment. It was Blake's place and it smelled bad. One room only. One bath only. No Backyard, or pool. It sad here and I hate it here. I grab my phone, leaving the place. I miss kaitlyn. She came over one day and she was pretty cool. Sara was okay, but a little loud. I also miss Erica. She is dating zayn, she never stops texting me. Now you think I'm going to say I miss Niall, but I really don't miss him that much. He probably misses me. I walk down the apartment steps to my car. I drive to the local coffee shop. Walking In I see ms. Tina, She always makes my coffee.

"Hey hon how have you been?" She asked.
"Good just lost in my thoughts" I said with a smile.
"Same" I say sitting down.
She whips up my coffee in seconds. I love the smell of it, much better then the apartment smell. I take a drink of it, burning my mouth. I still love it.
"Be careful hon" she said.
I nod my head, I miss my family. I should go see them there only two hours away. I pay from my coffee. I get into my car. It's time to see my family.

I got back to the apartment and pack my bags. I left a note for Blake. I leave not looking back.


I pull into my parents driveway. I get out and walk to the front the door, knocking my mother answer the door.
"Katelyn..." My mother said hugging me. "What are you doing here!"
"I was missing you guys so could I stay here for awhile?" I ask.
"Always" my mom said.
I was in my old bedroom. It still looked the same. Pink walls, nice big bed. I miss high school it was easier.
"Hey Katelyn" I hear someone say. I turn around to she my brother Matthew.
"Hey dork" I say hugging him.
"I heard you were home so I came by" he said.
"Well I'm doing fine" I say leaving my room.
I walked into the kitchen and see my dad making food.
"Fixing your favorite food" he said. I nod my head. I hear a knock at the door. I walk over to it and answer.
"Hello" I say and see a girl with brown/blond hair.
"Hi Katelyn it's me Victora" she said.
"Oh my" I say hugging her. "You have grownup much" I say looking at her.
"You too" she laughed. I let her came in and we go to my room.
"I heard about the car crash" she said.
"Yeah, but I'm okay" I say.
"Hey I need to go to the store want to come?" She asked.
"Sure i'll drive you" I say getting up.


We got to the store. We walk into  and start looking around. I walked to the candy area and grad some bags. Victora looked at me and laughed.
"Hey I love me some candy" I say.
We walk over and I see a picture of Niall. It hit me real fast. The feelings. I look at it and it said he has a secret girlfriend. I was happy for him, but I was sad to. I walk away.
"Hey are you okay?" Victora asked.
"Yeah I got something in my eye" I say touching it. "Okay" she said.


I get home after a long day. I tried of everything. I walk up the stairs. I fell on my bed and sleep come over me.
I wake up the next day with a headache. My phone was buzz like crazy. I grab it and the brightness burned my eyes. I see who it was and it was Liam. I answer.
"Hello" I say sitting up.
"Katelyn...finally" he said.
"What do you want?" I asked.
"It's Niall he's missing!" He said.

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