Here For You

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The next thing I knew I was on a plane to California. I was questioning everything I was doing. I was moving as fast as I could. I had nothing with me just my bag and phone. I walked to the front doors of the airport. I saw a car waiting for me. I hop in. It was Paul driving.

"Katelyn how are you?" He asked.

"Good" I say not for sure.

We drive to Liam's apartment. I get out of the car, walking up the the door. I knock and Kaitlyn answers.

"Katelyn" she said hugging me.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"I want to help" she said letting me in.

I walk in and felt like I did when I wrote the letter. Sick!

I sat on the couch taking in everything that is happening.

"The last time I saw Niall was yesterday" Liam said.

"Where were you?" I ask.

"Here I was watching tv and he was in his room" Liam told.

"Did you see him leave?" I ask.

"Yeah, but he said he be back in a second" he said.

"Okay ill go check the store, or his house" I say getting up.


I pull into Niall's house. I look at it and it stills look the same. I walk up the trial. I see the door was open a little. I walk in, calling his name out. I hear nothing. Walking over to the stairs I hear something down stairs. I walk down there see someone.

"Niall?" I ask.

The person looks up and it was a girl. "Oh hi" she said.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"I'm Emily" she said.

"Okay what are you doing in this house" I say getting mad.

"Oh are you looking for Niall, well he's back at my house" she said.

"Why? How dose he know you?" I ask.

"Well he called me to pick him from the bar, and silly I'm his girlfriend" she said with Niall's bag.

"What" I ask out of breath.

"Yeah if you want you can come over" she said walking over to me.


"Your his manager right" she ask.

"Um no I'm a clos-" I thought for a minute. "Friend" I say.

"Whatever are you coming?" She asked.

"Yes" I say not feeling up to it.

I'm not ready for this. What if he doesnt want to see me. What will he do. He has a girlfriend. Why I'm I so mad. We get to Emily's house.

"So you and Niall know each other?" She asked.

"Yes" I say walking into the front door.

"He's sleeping right now so if you're hungry there's food" she said going to the back hallway. I walk around see pictures of him and her. I feel sick. I sit down on the couch. I unlocked my phone and texted Madison. I hear someone walking into the living room.

"Hey Emily how long have you known..." I turn around to see Niall. He looked like a mess. Hair sticking up, he's in his underwear, and no shirt.

"Katelyn!" he said eyes red and puffy.

"Hi..." I say feeling even more sick.

"Get out" he said.

"Niall, Liam is worried about you and he didn't know where you were" I try to say.

"Okay you now know where I am so you can leave" he said.

"Niall I want to talk" I say.

"What is there talk about, you left me heartbroken!" He yelled. "You didn't called, texted, nothing" I starting cry. "I just wanted to cry everyday! I just missed you all the time" he said walking over to me. "You kissed me letting me think that we could be...something!" he said gripping my arms. It hurt.

"I wanted to chase after you, kiss you, tell you everything" he said crying. I didn't know what to do I was scared. " Katelyn I didn't hear from you for a year. It was the worst time of my life" he said letting go of me.

"Really it was the worst time of your life?!" Emily yelled. Niall turns around. "No Emily your the only thing the made it better" I cover my month. Did he just say that.

"Niall Horan you're an ass" Emily said running outside. "Hell" he said.

"Go you need to say sorry" I say.

"You need to say sorry too" he said looking at me.

"Niall I'm truly sorry, for everything I put you through I feel bad and I well never do it again okay" I say.

"Okay, but I'm not for giving you all the way!" he said to me.

"Now going say sorry" I tell him.

He walks out in the back yard. I felt much better. I miss him.

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