Here For You

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Blake had left so I waited for Niall to get home. I heard the front door opening. I walk into the living room and sit down.

"Hey got you your coffee you wanted" Niall smiled.

"Thanks" I say.

"Everything okay?" He asked.

"Yeah just tried" I told.

"Drink that and you won't be so tried" he said leaving the room.

Why is it so hard to be upset with him? I can even! I walk up stairs getting dress. I hear Niall yell from downstairs. I grab my phone, walking downstairs.

"Let's go" he said.


We pulled in the mall parking lot and I step out of the car. Niall walks next to me. I felt like moving faster, but I didn't. We walk to the two doors on the side of the building. Niall opens the door for me. I look inside seeing a lot of girl standing there screaming and yelling. I was quite freaked out. Niall notice.

"Hey it's okay" he said hugging me.

I sat down next to Harry and Niall.

Niall told me all there names before we came. "Hey Katelyn how have you been?" Harry asked. I smiled and nod. I wasn't in the mood to talk. The boys started to sign stuff of the fans and I was tired and bored. I got up and their bodyguard walked over to me.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"Going to get something to eat" I say.

"Okay" he said with a smiled.

I walk down the food area. I got in a line for some really good chicken. As I was standing there I saw a girl walking to her table. These two boys threw a apple on the ground and she tripped. I ran over to her asking if she was okay.

"Yes thanks it's okay" she said.

"Here" I said helping her up.

"My name is Katelyn" I say.

"My name is Erica" she said picking the food off her shirt.

"Here let me buy you food" I say.

"Oh no it's okay"

"Please it's the best I could do" I smiled.

Erica and me sit down at a table close to where the boys where.

"So Katelyn why are you here?" She asked.

"Um I'm here with my best friend" I said.

"oh who's that?" she asked.

"um he's Niall horan" I say.

Erica looked at me, and sat her chicken down.

"what you are?" she asked.

"yeah it's pretty cool" I laugh.

"could I meet them?" she asked.

"yeah I thinks that's okay" I smile.


     Erica and I walked around the mall. We went to the candy store and got some mints. We become best friends super fast. Then we went to the meet and greet. There was still girl waiting, but not as much.

"Wait here" I say to her.

She waiting as I walked over to the boys.

"Hey guys could you come here" I asked nicely.

They all smiled and followed me. I walked over to Erica and she was smiling so big.

"Everyone this is my friend Erica" I say.

They all smile and wave. I walked over to Niall.

"So we can take a brake...wanna hang?" He asked.

"Sure." I say.

"Can I come too" Harry asked.

"Yeah" Niall said.


     Niall, Harry and me walked around the mall. Niall had to go to the bathroom so me and Harry sat down waiting for him.

"So how are you?" Harry asked.

"Good" I laughed.

"What?" Harry asked.

"Nothing it's just...nothing" I say smiling.

"You're weird" Harry said hitting me lightly. "So how's everything with you and Niall?" He asked.

"Okay I guess" I wondered.

"You're pretty cool Katelyn" he said. "Maybe that's why he likes you so much" I smiled.

I saw Niall walking towards us. I stand up fixings my dress. Niall walked in between me and Harry. Harry rolled his eyes. Weird? Niall and I walked back down to the meet & greet. Erica was talking to zayn an I winked at her. Niall and Harry say back down so did the rest of the boys.

Erica walked over to me.

"OMG zayn give me his number" Erica yelled in my ear.

"Good for you!" I say.

"You okay?" She asked.

"Um? Okay if a boy walks over to a girl, but there was another boy talking to her would you be jelly?"I asked.

"Who what who?" Erica asked.

"Okay harry was talking to me but then Niall walked in between us." I say.

"We'll maybe Niall was just standing his ground I don't know boys are weird" she said.

"You're right it's nothing" I say.

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