Here For You

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Niall and I were over at his house. Erica was asking me the same things for the past week about me and Niall. Give her the same answer. Zayn and Erica wanted time alone for the weekend so Niall invited me to stay the weekend. Everyone still thinks me and Niall are just friends so I guess we're good at keeping it a secret.

Niall flops onto the couch and pulls me down with him.

"What you wanna watch?" He asked.

"I don't know, anything really" I say, wrapping my arms around him.

He flips it on The Walking Dead. I love this boy, he really knows what I like.

Later that night I thought I could do a youtube video. I grab Niall's laptop and turn it onto video. I hit play.

"Hey, everyone I wanna sing a song I wrote, so let's do this" I say as Niall's in the kitchen watching me.

🎶All I want is nothing more
Than to hear you knocking at my door
'Cause if I could see your face once more
I could die, happy I'm sure
When you said your last goodbye
I died a little bit inside
I lay in tears in bed all night
Alone without you by my side
But If you loved me
Why'd you leave me?
Take my body
Take my body
All I want is
And all I need is
To find somebody
I'll find somebody like you🎶

I stop singing and say goodbye to the camera. Niall was clapping in the kitchen.

"You're beautiful love," he shouts.

"Thank you Niall" I say editing the video.


The next day I wake up, I check the video. I got a notice. "Katelyn Heun, your video hit 2mil. views" I screamed.

"Niall babe wake the fuck up" I yell hitting him on his side.

He mumbled.

"My video got over 2mil views" I yell.

"That's AWSOME, but I'm trying to get some sleep darling" he said rolling over.

"I gotta text Erica this she will shit herself."


I hear Niall get out the bathroom.

"Hey, love I think we need to go to the store" he said in the kitchen.

I stand up and fits my hair I don't want to look ugly in front of Niall. Also I was crying.

"Why, that's love?" I ask, turing and looking at Niall

"Babe what's wrong" Damn he's really good.

"Nothing, it's just..." I say. "I love you so much and I just really happy to be with you"

"Katelyn, I love you so much. You don't even know" Niall said wrapping his arms around me. I loved it when he hug me cause I'm so short and he's so tall. He can rest his chin on the top of my head. "Well let's go to the store and buy some ice cream" Niall said kissing my forehead.

"Okay, well let's go to the store." I say.


I was wearing a tank top an shorts, it's really hot in LA! We're at the store of course Niall was in the candy section. I walk over there and Niall had his hand full of candy.

"Hon, where's the real food gunna go?" I ask.

"I don't know, but I want all this" he said putting it in the basket.

We walk around the store, I would stop every once in awhile to look for something we need, but Niall would go on and find something different. We need to get pizza. I found the frozen pizzas and grab four, putting them in the basket. I see Niall coming towards me with something in his hand. Lord have Mercy.

"Babe look, I used to eat this when I was a kid" he said handing it to me.

"Okay, no're gunna make us spend $1,000" I say going to the check out. We get to the check out, and I was waiting in line. There were two people in front of us.

"Ugh, this is going to take forever" Niall wines.

"Shut up, I've waited longer" I say playing on my phone.

The line moves up so I move up. Niall pokes my side. I stand up straight and look at him.

"What?" I ask. He points and I look to see Emily talking to some guy.

"Holy shit, did she see us yet?" I ask.

"No, I don't think so" Niall said. We keep our heads down a little and watch her talk to that boy.

"Do, you think that's the guy that got her pregnant?"

"I guess never seen him before, but she doesn't even look pregnant?" Niall said. I look up and Emily turns her head seeing me.

"She saw me, mission is going down, go go!" I say. Niall stops me and pulls me back.

"We just need to talk to her" he said.

"Okay, fine" I say. Emily starts walking our way. To me every inch she gets closer she turning into the hulk.

"Hey, Niall" she said waving to him.

"Hello, Emily" I say. I'm m here too, you know.

"Anyway I just wanted to say sorry for putting that in your plate yesterday, I was just so upset with myself that I didn't even know what to do, that guy I was talking to he's my new boyfriend. Me and him are gunna go to the doctors next month to find out who's baby it is, I was wondering if you could go?" She ask Niall.

"Yes, I'll go to figure it out" he said.

"Oh my, thank you Niall" she said hugging him. Niall looks at me. His eyes said 'help me', but really it's like I'm not even here.

"Bye Niall" Emily said walking away.

"So this is nice" I say moving up to check outs our stuff.

"Katelyn I'm not going to be the dad trust me, I never did anything with her" he said helping me with the food.

"I know, but Emily just pushes my buttons" I say paying for the food.

"Well at least we get to go home and play around...know what I mean?" He said smirking.

"Niall, I know what you mean but we have to put the cold food up or it will rot" I say.

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