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The four months time was almost over since Daniel's mother wanted the marriage to settle faster. Daniel has right now was just two weeks. This week was almost over and next week is the last. Even himself wasn't sure whether he could leave all of these just like that.

Few months before that was filled with Ong and all the beautiful memories they had but now to leave him? And getting married with someone else?  That wasn't something easy.

To make it more stressed up, Daniel stopped talking to Ong. It has been days since the last time Ong talked to Daniel. Unanswered calls, unreplied messages, and no one to talk to. Daniel sighed as he felt disgusted with himself for doing that to Ong. It wasn't what he wanted to do but his departure for the marriage was getting closer and closer. All he had was just a two weeks. And it's not even enough to leave someone and get over it.

Hurting Ong was more painful than hurting himself. It was truly terrible for Daniel to do that but it was the best for both of them.

Daniel gave another sigh as he placed his shirts in his wardrobe. He didn't have anything to do at the theater room so he chose to stay in his house and start packing.

Why am I putting these here? I'm leaving. Even my brain doesn't let me go.

Boxes were piled up in his house. He was totally doing it. He was seriously going and leave Ong. With a heavy heart, he placed his stuff when suddenly his phone rang. It was his mother.

"Hello?" He answered and took a seat on the sofa.

"Hey honey, have you started your packings?"

"Yes, I'm doing it now," he answered unwillingly.

"okay good! I'll see you when you come home," she said with the brightest tone.

"Oh oka--," yep, she hung up.

Daniel locked his phone and continued his work. The thought of Ong hit him. He suddenly had the urge to see him. It was somehow weird since he always have this kind of thought but just this time, it was different.

Daniel took his coat and rushed to the theater room. Something was up and he didn't know.

He saw the director and quickly went towards him.

"Director, where's Ong?"

"Oh, he didn't tell you?" He said.

"Well I think he didn't," Daniel stated.

"I thought you two were close,"

"We are," Daniel stated and the director nodded.

"So where's he?" Daniel asked again.

"He went to the other state today and he'll be back next week,"

Next week? I'm leaving next week.


Chapter 18: UPDATED. Oh and good news, I think I'm seeing Wanna One next year omgbhnfjfmfbdjfb

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