Thirty One

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The morning came in with a cold breeze. Daniel woke up as he was cold and hopped into his shower so he could think. Today was another different day and he wanted to see Ong. Although he knew what he did back there was wrong but he wanted him back. He wanted to be with him ever since he laid his eyes on Ong and now, to be letting him off like that was a simplistic move. Daniel sighed. He admitted that he was wrong and he was stupid enough to let Ond walk away like that. It was a pathetic move.

The fact that he was so stiff when Ong came in made him think that he was just a weak person but the truth was, he couldn't help but to feel guilty and messed-up because he wasn't being honest from the start. None of this would've happened if Daniel was honest from the start. Literally none of this would've happened.

Min Hee was already downstairs. When she arrived here yesterday, she had to stay here for a few nights. Daniel couldn't do anything since it was an order from her mother, so all she had to do was obey.

Daniel took out a pair of black skinny jeans and a plain black hoodie. He rushed downstairs to make his exit through the front door but he stopped as soon as he saw a silhouette standing in front of the front door. Daniel quickly went to the kitchen because he knew, that wasn't Min Hee.

"Your mother's here, what are we going to do?" Min Hee approached him right after Daniel went in. 

"Let's get it straight, we have to be honest," Daniel whispered.

"No, no, now's not the perfect time,"  Min Hee stuttered. Daniel could see that she was afraid and she couldn't contain herself.

"Min Hee," Daniel held both of his hand on Min Hee's cheeks. "There will never be a perfect timing," Daniel stated. Min Hee's tensed up body calmed itself. "Never,"

"Alright, now let's be our honest self right now and tell her that we have our own life to chase,"

"Very well then,"Min Hee answered with a sigh.

Both of them walked into the living room and they saw Daniel's mother was peeking through the curtains of the windows. Wearing a light blue satin dress and stockings pulled up in her ankles with a warm beige coat covering her shoulders.

"Mum," Daniel softly called out. His mother quickly turned to look at him. She had the brightest smile plastered on her crinkled face as soon as she saw Min Hee's small body size hiding up behind Daniel.

"I see you have a chemistry going on," She stated as she agreeing with what she was seeing right at that exact moment.

"No auntie, we actually have a few things to say," Min Hee corrected her quickly. Daniel smiled as she hurriedly stating her main aim. Min Hee then lightly pushed Daniel's shoulder.

"Yes, we do," Daniel answered quickly.

"Mum, I know you want the best for us and I know that you've sacrificed so much for me, and I admit that I appreciate everything so much," Daniel paused as he swallowed his saliva.

"But mum," Daniel paused again. His mum's expression changed.

"Both of us have different interest, and we don't really think alike not even close," Daniel continued.

"Oh, that could be change," His mother answered back.

"No, its not like that," Daniel continued again. His mother wasn't getting the point.

"Mum," Daniel called her again. He wanted that situation to be clean.

"I know you want me to live a happy life, but mother, do you want me to live with someone I never loved?" Daniel softly questioned as he looked down on the carpets of his home.

"The one I truly loves is not her and the one she truly loves is not me," Daniel added. "How can you force someone to love?" Daniel questioned. His mother looked at him with her lips closed tightly together.

"Are you asking me to cancel this?" 

"Yes," They both said in sync. "It will never work out," Min Hee stated.

Again, his mother stood silent.

"I don't thi----,"

"Mum, we're not straight," Daniel said.

"You could've told me earlier, oh my lord I'm so happy that you finally come out to me," She said as tears we forming in her eyes.

"Thanks mum,"

"And you too Min Hee, come here," His mother said. They all gathered in a one big hug as one of the heaviest burden lifted from both of their chest.

"I hope both of you will live a happy life,"


A/N: Hi guys, i know i haven't been updating a lot and i supposed this chapter wasn't my greatest piece but i hope it works out as an update. I've been delaying due to some technical difficulties as well as exams. I won't be updating next week since I have camping in my school. I hope this will clear up a few things. Thank you.

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