Thirty Two

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"Do you want to come with me?" Daniel asked as he inserted his car key inside the keyhole.

"No thank you, you have to deal this on your own," Min Hee stated as she shaked her head with a soft little smile.

"Do you think he'll accept me back?" Daniel asked, sadness crept inside his voice.

"I don't know Daniel, but i hope he does," Min Hee's voice trailed off. "I really hope he does," she continued, Daniel felt a bit calm.

"Alright then," He inhaled calmly and let it out as a sigh. "I'll try to,"

Min Hee nodded calmly and gave him another smile. "I really hope he'll accept," she added and with that, the car engine roared and he started his journey to Ong's house with hopes and forgiveness.

While he was driving alone, something came up across his mind. A piece of memory that he had with Ong dancing around in his mind. Daniel felt sad but he was happy that it happened. A piece of memory that happened about him telling Ong that he couldn't drive just so he could see Ong showing off his skills on driving. Daniel was a decent driver. He wasn't that bad and he was that good but at least, he could be on the road but when Ong drives, it was something else.

He looks best when he's driving. No matter how odd the situation could be but Ong pulled it off and the fact that Daniel was lying the whole time about not knowing how to drive was to make Ong happy. And he really hope that Ong felt it. At least a slight happiness.

He softly turned his head next to his seat, remembering the presence of Ong sitting in a car next to him. He missed that. The feeling of emptiness was strong inside his chest, it almost gave him goosebumps.

He continued his journey again, going back to Ong's house, he wanted to explain again. Another better explaination just so he could see him again because no matter what happens, he wants to talk to Ong.

While he was busy reminiscing, he almost forgot that he was already there. In front of Ong's house. He turned off the engine of his car and made his way slowly to Ong's house. It was quiet and it was a bit dark. Its been months since the last time Daniel went here. There were quiet a few changes and the obvious one was that the house seems dark. Not in the lighting way but it gave a dark, sad vibes through it.

Daniel hesitated at first but he took his steps forward until he was standing in front of the door.

"Oi, can I help you?" A sudden greeting cane from behind. Daniel froze on his spot.


He slowly turned his head and revealed a black haired man, with soft milky skin and he was quite tall and quite thin. He was Ong's neighbor and he was certainly not Ong.

"By any chance, is the owner of this house in here?" Daniel awkwardly asked.

"You mean Ong?"he questioned back.

"Ah yes," Daniel answered with a nod.

"Last time i see him was a week ago and if I'm not mistaken, he never really goes out afterwards," he stated. "Who are you though?" He asked.

"I'm Daniel and, who are you?"

"I'm the neighbor, Minhyun," he said with a soft gummy smile. Daniel nodded.

"I'll be going inside,"


"I have to talk to him," Daniel answered.

"Oh, okay," he said with a nod. Good thing about him because he wasn't really a busybody. He minds his own business and  Daniel felt relieved that he wasn't a bad person.

"If you need anything, call me," Minhyun said and left with a very warm smile.

So he took the keys behind a stack of bricks that Ong had. Ong told him once about where he placed his keys and Daniel felt a bit of happiness and nervousness piling up in his chest because he was close to seeing Ong. He wanted to see him so bad. Daniel turned the keys and unlocked the door. He entered the house but it was dark. Like no one was there.

He continued with his steps, he tried making it quiet and natural so it doesn't scare Ong. He went through the living room but it was empty so he moved to the kitchen, still it was empty. Daniel had anxieties. If he's not here, then where is he? But Daniel didn't gave up. He moved in to the first floor. Every steps he took made him scared because he felt like Ong was there and it felt like Ong wasn't there too.

He went inside his room. It was clean but it wasn't the clean house that Ong had when Daniel went to his house. That was strange. It was odd. Odd enough to make Daniel feel the chills down his spine.

Ong please.

He continued wandering until it stopped in front of the bathroom door. The last hope of seeing Ong. He hesitated to twist the knob but he had to and so Daniel twisted the metal doorknob and only found out that it was locked. He placed his ears on the door but it was quiet. Quiet enough that it felt strange. Daniel pushed it a bit harder and more pressure. Still, it was closed together. He tried again with more pressure, harder and a lot more effort until the door finally loosen up. He softly pushed the door opened and he felt his heart dropped like a glass dropping on the floor. He had tears coming out like waterfalls just like that.

Inside, was Ong lying on the floor with a pile of blood surrounding his body as he was struggling to breathe. He eyes were half opened but he was in so much pain to even move a limb so Ong was there, like a breathing corpse. He was already pale and his lips were turning blue. Daniel rushed downstairs.

"MINHYUN! CALL THE AMBULANCE," Daniel yelled as he tried to hold his tears.


"EMERGENCY PLEASE JUST DO IT," He yelled and ran back upstairs.

He rushed towards Ong and saw a wound right in his stomach.

"No no no," he whispered as the tears were flowing out of his eyes. He shaked his head again because he didn't want to believe that this was happening.

Daniel was crying and his hands were shaking. His throat felt dry and he felt like he was choked. He tried lifting Ong on his lap as he tried to help Ong move.

He panicked. He wanted to faint but he didn't want Ong to struggle. His eyes kept on crying as Ong's breathing was starting to slow down on his lap.

"Ong..." he softly whispered and he continued to cry again.

"I need you t-to b-breathe," he stuttered as he felt like his world was crushing down.

Ong's eyes was half opened.

"Please," he whispered with tears dripping on Ong's skin.

Ong heard him and Ong had his tears streaming down to the side of his cheeks. He was in pain that even his body couldn't even try to send an impulse to his brain.

"Ong, i need you," But Ong couldn't move his body. The blood was coming out so Daniel used his hands to cover it.

"I want you to live please, come back with me," Daniel pleaded but it was no use. Ong's breathing pattern was decreasing every time each minute passed by.

His eyes were closing but Daniel shaked him up so his eyes could open but there wasn't any progress. Daniel held him up tightly. He hugged him so tight because he wasn't ready to see him go.

"No no, please Ong," He whispered.

"Please live,"


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