💙To Do List Season 2💙

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Tag yours if you haven't been tagged so I know who's is who's.

I'm not taking request here. Please wait until I make a request board. I will probably forget your request if you comment it here so please wait.

Thank you.

As of 2020 any BTS Ship Requests will be immediately rejected and will not be written about if you've previously requested them to respect our boy's wishes of my being shipped with one another.

Any remaining Imagines or Reactions I've written and published already will remain up but no more future shop requests will be taken or done.

I hope you comprehend the situation at hand and I apologize to you guys for the inconvenience.

Smut Imagines:

-BTS Jimin Imagine: Provoke Me
"Jimin was just a neighbor being provoked by the new neighbor Y/N, But not for long au."

BTS Text

-Y/N Pranks
(he thinks he lost the kid, but he actually left him at home and Y/N decided to make a prank.)

Fluff Imagine:

-✔BTS Hoseok Imagine: I Think I'm Going To Throw Up
(He goes to the Amusement Park and Rides A rollercoaster to impress his crush even though he's afraid.)

Smut Imagines:

✔-BTS Yoongi Imagine: Baby Girl
"Flirty Best Friend Au"

✔-BTS Hoseok Imagine: The HOT ROOMATE
"Roommate Au"

BTS Text

✔-BTS drunk text to Y/N

BTS Reactions:

✔Their Child Crying Because they See Their Parents Fighting

✔-thinking you're a golD Digger

Smut Imagines:

✔-BTS Jin Imagines: You're Like A Sister
"I'm Protective Because You're Like a Sister To Me."

BTS Text

✔-GF texting them that they are stressed because of school and they try to cheer her up

Smut Imagines:

-BTS Namjoon Imagine: Friendzone
"You'll regret rejecting me Kim Namjoon."

BTS Reactions:

✔GF Worried about A Hurricane Headed To Their Home Country

✔Reading Smut About Each Other

Personality Ships:


Fluff Imagine:

✔BTS Namjoon Imagine: Let's Talk
(3 am rooftop deep conversations with Joonie Bear)


✔BTS Taehyung Imagine: Morning After
(one-night stand)


✔to love naturally curly hair on a girl

Smut Imagines:

✔-BTS Taehyung Imagine: Shit! Sorry, Hyung!
(Sexual tension. Y/N and Taehyung Have finally started dating, and want to take the next step, but can't seem to have alone time. Yoongi, Y/N's Brother Catches them.

Fluff Imagine:

✔BTS Taehyung Imagine: She's an Alien Too
(TAe dealing with his 4D gf)


✔-GF having a British accent NaAm02

✔-GF drawing a portrait of them without knowing and they find out YanAn_

Fluff Imagines:

✔-Jin Imagines: I can't sleep

-Taehyung imagines: (anonymous request) It's Like Teenage Romance


✔-Wife losing wedding ring YanAn_

Smut Imagines:

-Yoongi Imagine: Our first night HaruLim19

-Taehyung Imagine: 6 AM ajwantsfood


If any of the following are yours, please claim them.

(Season 3 will be after all these are done. I will not update this board until I've completed Season 2...😉)


❤Quick announcement!!❤


Donos are now open, and they are greatly appreciated. It's not a must nor forced to donate to me but it's greatly appreciated!!

Follow the link below to



Thank you so much for your constant support, and all the lovely comments left for me. I seriously do appreciate everything you guys have been doing for me!
Thank you!!

Mama KoalaBeaw


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