Hoseok Imagine: I think Im going To throw Up

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Scenario: You and the boys had gone off to an amusement park, something you hardly had time for after becoming friends with some of them. Specifically Hoseok, who, unbeknownst to you, had a huge crush on you. The guys and you had gone around riding ride after ride, Hoseok standing angrily on the sidelines, waching with eyes of jealousy as you rode the rides with the other guys, laughing and smiling your heart out. The amusement park was known for one particular rollercoaster, one your adrenaline loving ass wanted to save for last... And the same one Hoseok would attempt to ride to impress you... But would he get a bit more then he bargabed for?


P:Hoseok (Jnope) x Reader

Request: BTS Hoseok Imagine: I Think I'm Going To Throw Up
(He goes to the Amusement Park and Rides A rollercoaster to impress his crush even though he's afraid.)

°This one I think is one of my weakest works/imagines and I'm sorry but I didn't have a lot of let's say, inspo to write this scene. Hopefully it's still good though!°


"YAAA Y/N LETS RIDE THIS ONE NEXT!!!" Jungkook yelled enthusiastically, much to Hoseok's dismay.

Hoseok, being older and having a more gentle heart couldn't compete with the younger boys who seemed to be hogging the girl all to themselves.

He stood there, watching as they dragged her onto the next ride, the boys cheering as she laughed with them. The sun was high in the sky, Hoseok listening to the joyful and excited screams coming from the ride the girl he liked had been pulled into.

"She really does enjoy the adrenaline. Can't keep up with the younger kids these days, hu?" Yoongi chuckled getting near Hoseok who was angrily munching on a corn dog.

"Why is it that whenever a girl is involved in things, THEY have to hog her?" Hoseok muttered angrily, his lips pouting while he chewed.

"In all honesty Hobi, you're just a scaredy cat. If you were able to handle your fears better I'm pretty sure you'd be able to ride those roller coasters with her," Jin pointed out.

"You're the last person I want to hear preaching about getting over fears when your ass still ain't over the fake ghosts we supposingly had in our dorms," he grumbled, finishing up his last bite of corn dog before tossing the stick into the trash.

Namjoon had just gotten back from buying cotton candy, Yoongi lazily sitting in one of the benches in front of the roller coaster Taehyung and Jungkook had taken Y/N on.

"I love that fact that you bunch me up with those two idiots. Hello, I'm in the maknae line too but I don't like roller coasters, much less having anything to do with those rides. I'm surprised Tae is even on them since he was complaining about being dizzy earlier," Jimin said, sitting himself down next to Yoongi who had made him go buy a corn on the cob for him.

Yoongi took it from him watching as Namjoon gave Hoseok's shoulder a pat before taking a large bite off the cotton candy.

"Don't worry, she'll get bored eventually," he assured him.

But she didn't.

Ride after ride, she followed along to the guy's plans, riding every roller coaster at least four times before setting her eyes on another.

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