🔔Jungkook Imagine: Jingle Bells

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Scenario: ???

Rated: Fluff

P: Jungkook x Reader


You wrapped yourself with a blanket, walking out to look at Jungkook who was having the time of his life decorating the apartment.

He had been up early, hanging christmas lights all over the door of your apartment and some ornaments around your window and door.

It was cute seeing him so cheerful, his bunny teeth sticking out as he giggled from excitement.

"Look jagiya! Look! I put a star at the top of our doorway!" He cheered joyfully as he pointed up at the door, jumping happily when you looked around at his work of art.

There he was again, acting like a 5 year old during Christmas.

"Jungkook, it's 5am... Was it really necessary to wake up this early to put the decorations up?" You asked, a huge sneeze catching both of you off guard.

"Bless you, and yes. Last year we didn't put any up and I was so excited last night that I simply couldn't sleep!" He said, looking up again at the decorations while contemplating if he had forgotten anything.

You could only smile at him, petting his hair while he continued to admire his work.

It made you remember your first Christmas with him, how you had actually met him at a Christmas party Jin had thrown three years prior.

Time sure flies when you were with him

He looked the same to you know... Happy.. Smiling... So cheerful and full of hope.

"Hey jagiya... Want to go to the mall today? It's not often that I get to stay home, but I want to spend all day with you! How bout that?" He asked, a huge smile on his face.

You smiled back at him, nodding before turning around to go change into something more warm.

Going into your room, you took out a simple sweater and some jeans, going into the kitchen to make both of you some breakfast.

By the time you had finished cooking, Jungkook had finished working on decorating outside.

He came back in shivering, but still with a grin on his face.

"Come sit down and eat Jungkook, well need to wait until it's 9 before the mall opens anyway," you urged, walking to one of the empty chairs in the dining room.

Jungkook nodded, taking a seat across from you to eat.

"I can't believe it's our first official Christmas together," he said while he ate, taking glances at you every chance he got.

"I know... Been a while since we've been together in general," you groaned.

It really had been, since he had been out all most all of December on fanmeets and concerts.

"Well, hopefully we'll get to enjoy every second of it..." He added, finishing his meal quickly.

Maybe it was because you hadn't seen him in so long, but he looked specially handsome that day, his face bright and happy, his voice high pitched and sweet, like bells ringing.

After finishing your meal you both waited it out before going out to the mall.

It would have been closed if you went at 5am, which made you wonder why in hell Jungkook offered to go so early in the day.

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