Coming Out To My Parents

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So...I finally came out to my parents.

This is a warning. If you are easily offended and just don't give a shut then don't bother commenting.

Reader discretion is advised.


So this isn't about my sexuality bc I'm straight so don't begin with saying stuff about not knowing I was gay bc I'm not.

I have nothing against people who are and it's also not about my gender bc I'm a female so chill.

I also have nothing against those of you who identify as something else bc that's totally fine.

However, I came out to my very religious, Catholic parents as...


My mother nearly had a heart attack bc her ass basically condemned me to hell.

See before you start telling me to join this or that religion or that not all religions are the same, spare your words bc I sincerely do not care. I know there are religions more open or that "not all Catholisism is like that" but that doesn't apply to my family.

My Culture is heavily based on religion, and I don't necessarily agree with it nor the way they categorize or judge people. However, the culture as a whole is beautiful and I don't necessarily want to change the traditions.

Being Agnostic gives me that option. The option to put my values and beliefs over religious preaching and "life after death" because I genuinely don't think people should be forced into categories that fit specific molds on a topic like life and death.

This doesn't change who I am, it just relieves the stress of constantly thinking I'm going to hell. Mother would rather me be GAY than be what she calls "ATHIEST"

I have nothing against athiest but I'm not one, so being called one over and over and being mocked by my mother brings me down a whole lot.

My father is a lot more chill about it, however like my mother he also mocks me.

Anyway..this isn't some inspirational speech nor am I saying it's hard to come out religiously to my parents. Heck it's a lot easier than you think.

A great amount of my readers are struggling to come out to their parents and I understand that. You guys are hella brave if you ever come out and I'm here to support you.

Me coming out religiously will never be as hard as what you guys go through, and I'm not comparing the two so im sorry if you get offended by the way i worded this but it's basically what happened.

I basically came out...of the religious closet...and told my parents that all their hard work to bring me up religiously didn't pay off.

and told my parents that all their hard work to bring me up religiously didn't pay off

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Anyway..I need to go to bed but I wanted to just inform you guys of this event...

Mostly bc me and my mother got in a fight today over it and I've locked myself in my room for what...8 hours now and I'm hungry bc she didn't leave any left over for me for dinner and didn't let me have anything to eat so...

Fuck yeah.

I love my parents but they can be a bit....harsh ahhaa.

To all of you guys I hope y'all miss me while I'm on this hiatus. Good night my loves.

Mama KoalaBeaw

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