🎄Jimin Imagine: Silent Night

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Scenario: ???

Rated:Extra Fluff

P: Jimin....


The guys had gone out to eat on Christmas, unfortunately being unable to go to their families homes that year

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The guys had gone out to eat on Christmas, unfortunately being unable to go to their families homes that year.

It wasn't anything out of the ordinary, they knew they'd be able to see them the next day if they didn't miss their flights.

That or PD Nim could always send someone to get their families and bring them to Seoul.

The guys had all gathered to eat at a barbecue place, ordering Soju for drinks alongside some  pork belly.

The weather was cold, snow beginning to fall as they arrived at the restaurant.

"Ah...happy holidays guys... isn't this the best Christmas?" Seokjin exclaimed, raising his drink up to cheer.

The guys followed, standing up to cheer along with Seokjin.

“Hell yeah.. This year was the best year we've had,” Namjoon responded, “im so proud of you guys.”

The restaurant was a very cozy one, only two waiters and five people behind the counter.

The guys were all happy to be together, all but Jimin were talking and having the time of their life.

Jimin was keeping his mind clear, looking out the window of the restaurant.

His eyes had caught the sight of a child, one who was in the cold looking for scraps of food along the sidewalk, his clothes old and torn, wearing fingerless gloves while digging through the snow for lord knows what.

Jimin could only think about how many other children like this one were suffering of hunger and cold, his heart sinking sadly.

He looked around himself, looking at the two coats he had brought along.

Maybe, just maybe he could give it to the kid.

The guys were too distracted as Jimin grabbed a coat, followed by some food in a to-go box and walked out of the restaurant.

He walked down the stairs by the entrance, and waited for the cars to pass by before crossing down the street.

Just as he was going to reach the little boy, someone got in his way, getting to the kid before he did.

The person in front of him was a women, her hands holding out a blanket she used to cover the child's body, followed by her crouching down at the child's side and giving him a bag of what he could only assume was food.

“Here little one…Are you looking for food? Where's your family?” She asked, her voice mellow and caring.

“He's probably an orphan,” Jimin responded, the kid taking the bag while the woman looked up and running away.

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