Jin Imagines: I Can't Sleep

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Scenario: Sometimes, you just can't fall asleep.

Rated: Fluff

P: Seokjin x Reader


The night was quiet. 

You both usually spent nights like these cuddled into each other's arms, but tonight was different. 

His back was to you and his touch felt cold.

You wondered what had happened to him. He had been fine the night before, but something felt off.

Sitting upright, you turn to look at him.

"I love you," you mumble under soft sobs.

You wondered if maybe you had said something during the day to upset him, and knowing your overthinking mind, you probably didn't, but it was all too quick to comprehend.

"So do I," he responded, shocking you enough to grab the nearest pillow and hurl it at him.

"You were awake?"

"Well I wasn't sure if you had realized but it's been three weeks since I last was able to sleep peacefully," he sighed.

"Ah. I-"

Your tears, which had fallen to your nightgown, had stopped. His voice felt tired, each word that came out of him sounding heavy and dragged out.

"I see. I hadn't realized. My apologies baby. Do you need anything?"

"A talk?" He mumbled, turning to face you.

You quickly wiped away your tears, laying down to look into his eyes. He could tell you had cried but said nothing, knowing well that if he brought it up he would be blamed for something he hadn't done. He knew you had been on edge for a while, but he had always found it difficult to tell you when he felt uneasy about something. You had been dating for a while but it was still new.


Affection never came easy and neither did trust.

Trust comes at the cost of vulnerability, and being vulnerable around you was still new to him.

He had met so many people who he thought he trusted, and with his career as an idol, he realized just how easy and fragile friendships can become. The young become all knowledge of his business and would chain him down or bully him out of saying anything, and the old felt entitled to his accomplishments even if they had known him for but a second.

You were his small escape, but he knew even you had your flaws, ones he wanted you to change at your own pace.

"Honey, do you think I am overbearing?"

"Why the question?"

"Recently, Taehyung and I got into a fight about it. Some new trainees started over a month ago at the agency and Namjoon asked me to help supervise them. I don't do much but enforce some rules emplaced by the contract they signed yet, they have been extremely disrespectful. I've told them to hold their tongue, I've told them I'm not trying to be demanding but they never listen. They have tried talking to Yoongi and Hoseok about girls and so on, and while Hoseok holds back from saying anything, Yoongi has told them he doesn't feel too comfortable discussing the topic with them. They've argued about it for a bit to the point where even the maknae have been fighting with one another about it," he sighed.

"I mean, kids are kids no?"

Snuggling into your chest he gave a heavier sigh.

"I guess. But, they always argue with me that to treat them as adults, have fights with the managers on going out at late hours, refuse to eat what they are given because they prefer something else, or refuse to listen to me because I'm " no expert" nor their parent, and Taehyung sides with them saying I use to treat him that way, that it's simply curiosity, and that I never took him seriously and, honestly I don't know anymore. Taehyung often forgets he's an adult too so he'll do some childish things and to be fair I think this is just to get back at me for forgetting his luggage at the airport two months ago," he sighed once again.

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