Jungkook Imagine: One Luxurious Date

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Scenario: Jungkook takes you on a luxurious date after a year of dating, but gets provoked by the waiter of the restaurant you went to...

Rated: Smut

P: Jungkook x Reader

Requested by:_onion_

[P.S I wasn't sure how to write this one, but this is all I could come up with. Forgive me if it isn't good.]


“Waited, we're ready to order!” He said, raising his hand ever so slightly to get the waiter's attention.

Jungkook had brought me out to eat, since he had earned enrich money to afford a more… Luxurious date.

I appreciated the gesture, but I had always been raised to be careful what I spent my money on, and I would have much rather spent that money on a simple date.

But no, Jungkook wasn't having any of that today.

“Are you sure you want to spend all that you've saved on this?” I asked for the twentieth time that morning.

“It's okay Jagiya, my treat.”

“What would you be having today sir?” the waiter behind me responding, coming over after giving the check to the couple behind us.

The restaurant was known for both the luxurious dates people had their but the exquisite food that you couldn't find anywhere else in Seoul.

Taking his notepad out, the waited looked over at Jungkook, before gluing his eyes on me.

The guys had helped me look for something to wear the day before, Taehyung taking me to about seven boutiques before we settled for a simple lacie black dress that cascaded to the floor, a single opening that showed my right leg all the way up to my mid thigh.

Any higher and people would be able to see more than just my leg.

Jungkook quickly noticed the waiter's wondering eyes, his expression becoming grim as he told the waiter what we'd be liking.

The waiter -who had been turned towards Jungkook- then turned towards me, kindly smiling at me, his eyes sparkling as he asked, “and what will the beautiful lady be having?”

Jungkook had this sort of shifty eye going on, and it looked like he was questioning whether or not the waited was simply being kind or attempting to flirt with me.


“My fiance will have the same thing as me,” Jungkook interrupted abruptly, graving the menus before slamming them on the waiter's hands.

“Excuse me, I'll be back with your orders shortly,” the waiter responded, bowing before turning to leave.

“Unnecessary,” I said defiantly, crossing my legs while looking towards the window of the restaurant.

“What do you mean?” Jungkook asked, acting innocent while he picked up the glass of water on our table.

“You know damn well what you did you asshole. Poor guy was just being nice.”

“Nice!?” Jungkook blurted out, raising his voice while setting the glass down rather hard on the table.

“Jagiya, he was ogling you like he was trying to undress you with his eyes.”

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