Jin Imagine: You're Like A Sister

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Scenario: Never did it ever occur to you that your long time friend and famous erotic fiction writer Kim Seokjin saw you as nothing more than a sister. But that wouldn't be for long? Right?

Rated: Smut (18+)

P: Jin x Reader ft. Jungkook

Request: "I'm Protective Because You're Like a Sister To Me."

Requested by: GravitysMistress

Contains many swear words you have been warned.


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He was gorgeous.

Head to toe he was a god.

No one compared to his beauty.

No one had his level of charm.

No one was as handsome as him.

No one neared his level of  pervy ass.

And there you were, drinking at the other side of the bar, mini skirts riding up to the small area below your butt. Still, he was oblivious, laughing and making jokes with the female bartender while you stood there soaked through your panties only imagining the things you wanted him to do to you.

But nope.

Dense was an understatement.

The man wrote the most intense of erotic fiction but couldn't even fathom his bestfriend liking him.

How'd you meet?

Funny story, he was your shy neighbor who had moved in next door, about 18 years ago?

Both of you were only 8 at the time. He was a gamer, you the school shutout. You hated meaningless friendships and took bullshit from no-one while he sat with his nerdy friends talking about the latest PC games and when the newest version of Minecraft or Halo would drop.

It was pathetic how his mother would bring him over to be friends with you and he'd simply end up ignoring you while he played with his rusty old gameboy which was now an offset Grey from all the use and abuse of tiny elementary school boy fingers.

You had wished many times he invited you along and ask you to play with him but he never did.

"You're too young to see these kinds of things," he'd say. Yeah he was 9 months older but you were still about the same age.

Things became more weird when you began getting bullied and he'd defend you tooth and nail against people on the playground. You weren't defenseless or weak but he often insisted in you sitting it out while he received the pounding of a lifetime.

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